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Hi Wise one,

I have a desk facing 170 degree South which is a corner of the living room, it's a corner desk. Working on the desk has always lead to unproductive work and stress.

I can't change the location or shift my desk what can I do ?! my back also has no support agaisnt any wall.

I've attach a drawing of my desk position, would you please advise me on this ? Confused


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Dear Sim Oh,

Sim Oh wrote:
I have a desk facing 170 degree South which is a corner of the living room, it's a corner desk. Working on the desk has always lead to unproductive work and stress.

Isee several potentialproblems with such a layout.

1. The corner from the cupboard will be cutting into you whenever you sit and work. Really better to have a rectangluar table that extends from the cupboard.

2. Also, it is often better to work on a rectangle shaped table rather than such triangle shaped table.

3. The facing direction you have indicated, means that you will be hit by the West sun light if there is no other room to shield this room. I cannot be certain because you only provided you room with the window position. So not sure whether it will be affected by the afternoon sun or not. Rooms affected by afternoon sun can be very warm and very hard for anyone to concentrate on work/study. One solution is to install heat control films, day curtain etc.

4. You should check your Eight House (4 good and 4 bad directions) to see if it is asuitable direction for you to work. Better to sit facing your good position that is not glaring.

URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-8h.htm

Sim Oh wrote:
I can't change the location or shift my desk what can I do ?! my back also has no support agaisnt any wall.

Actually, as long as your table is anchored to the wall, it should be ok. The problem is not so much you do not have any support but rather the problems I mentioned above will be the more critical issues.

It is really hard to proposed any suggestion if you cannot change your layout. I have listed some of the solutions above. See if any of them help. Otherwise, beside shifting the position, not sure what else can help you here.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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