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Dear Anon,

Nntp Guest wrote:
My living room is a west room and all walls are currently painted white.
The room is too white, especially the West wall, which is the largest wall
(quite large). I want to paint it and was hoping to paint it red -- is this
a big no-no? What color should I use?

The safest colour or most neutral colours to use is always white. This is because white is Metal. And most sectors that requirecorrection in flying star often requires theuse of Metal. So it is the safest colour to propose or suggest wheneverwe have no idea or do notwant to consider the flying stars.

Bright Red(Fire) orBright Yellow (Earth) colours should always be avoid when you are unsure of the flying stars of the sector as it might activate the Illness/Misfortune Stars (stars 2/5). Green (brown), is another colour that you have to be careful as it can activate the lawsuit/quarrels stars. You have to check the flying star of the living to be able to assess this. Use the free flying star chart in our member area:-

URL: http://login.geomancy.net

Other than that, most colours if you choose the very light offwhite should generally still be ok. The next thing is consider what element you belong to under your ba zi. That can help you choose a colour favourable to you, or an element that will harmonise with most of your family members. You can use this link to determin your favourable colours:-

URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-element.htm

So make use of the tools to help you make the best assessment. Without knowing the flying stars in your living room or your ba zi element, it is not right for us to just propose a colour. As it might create problems if the bad stars are activated or if the colour is unfavourable to your ba zi.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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