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Good day Masters,

I find the site very informative. I would like to know how exactly when you advise to map the house plan with the generated report. The example given was a north house and as the map of the house also faces north. What about other facing eg. west house or east house? Do we take themain front door as north though it is a west or east house report?


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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
I find the site very informative. I would like to know how exactly when you advise to map the house plan with the generated report. The example given was a north house and as the map of the house also faces north. What about other facing eg. west house or east house? Do we take themain front door as north though it is a west or east house report?

You need to first determine the North direction of the house. Then divide the house from the centerpoint into 8 direction. Then orientate the eight house or flying star chart so that the North correspond to the North of the layout. Then you will be able to know which sector is what direction and how is the luck of the house or whether that sector (room) is suitable for who to make use.

Quite simliar to this link we have:-

URL: http://www.geomancy.net/resources/theories/fs-house1.htm

Our eight house / flying star are in 9 by 9 grid exactly the same as a normal compass. So once you match the north direction of the chart to the layout, you will be able to assess each sector accordingly.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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