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Dear Cecil,
My question is kind of silly, however I'd appreciate if you could clarify my doubt.
My house has narrow frontage and long length (8mx25m), runs East (facing) to West (sitting) exactly.
I am trying to apply flying star method to the house floor plan, however big sectors such as East and West sectors dominate more than 60% of the house, while smaller ones such as North and South take less than 10% of the space.
Eight mansion method divides the house into 9 rectangular sectors (# shape), while Flying Star method uses 8 sectors shaped like a gua (* shape). Which method is more appropriate for my house?
I live in Southern hemisphere, does the flying star methodology need to be modified at all?
Thank you in advance.
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Dear Will Chang,

Will Chang wrote:
Dear Cecil, My question is kind of silly, however I'd appreciate if you could clarify my doubt. My house has narrow frontage and long length (8mx25m), runs East (facing) to West (sitting) exactly. I am trying to apply flying star method to the house floor plan, however big sectors such as East and West sectors dominate more than 60% of the house, while smaller ones such as North and South take less than 10% of the space. Eight mansion method divides the house into 9 rectangular sectors (# shape), while Flying Star method uses 8 sectors shaped like a gua (* shape). Which method is more appropriate for my house?

Actually, professionally the best is to use the eight pie whether it is for Eight Mansion or Flying Star. This is because this equally divides the sector into the 8 sectors allowing one to be able to better determine which sector falls under what sector of influence.

Also, for any odd shaped/narrow houses, it is best to use the eight pie method. The 9 grid is just another way of applying the analysis. Usually, better for a square shaped layout.

Will Chang wrote:
I live in Southern hemisphere, does the flying star methodology need to be modified at all? Thank you in advance. Will

There has been many discussion on this controversialtopic. However, most traditional feng shui practitioneragree that it is best to keep the system unchanged when you apply the analysis for southern hemisphere. Our stand is also the same which is to keep the theory unchanged. Here is a link with some information on this:-

URL: http://www.geomancy.net/resources/art/art-addsites.htm

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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