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With so many companies going through mergers and layoffs, what are some feng shui tips that we can use to protect us in keeping our jobs and stability within the company?

My Kua number is 8 and currently I have my desk facing west which is a good direction for me. However, in reading so many articles, there is nothing about Mergers and layoffs and how we can protect ourselves.

Please advise.

Thank You

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Dear Paula Ribeiro,

paula ribeiro wrote:
With so many companies going through mergers and layoffs, what are some feng shui tips that we can use to protect us in keeping our jobs and stability within the company?

Sorry, but I do not believe feng shui can be of much help here simply because of the mechanics of how mergers works.

I mean the people that get laid off from mergers, tends to be the company that is being bought over. Especially if you are on the company that is being bought over, the chances of being able to retain your position is less unless you possess very important skills or possess an indisposable asset to the company buying you.

Feng Shui can only do so much as to bring as much luck to business. The rest of the success depends a lot on the business model. If the business model is flawed or doomed to failure, no amount of feng shui can revive it.

So that is why you there are nothing about feng shui about merger and layoffs. Instead, relying on continously upgrading yourself will make you more valuable to your company or allow you greater flexibility to find better prospect job.

On a personal level, feng shui of your own home and boosting up luck on your ba zi, can make sure your overall luck is good. Once luck around you is good, then things are not likely to go bad so easily. Or at least you will be able to focus your time and effort in finding good prospects for yourself.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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