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Ihave a problem to determine if the lake is considered to be behind or at the front of my terrace house. My main entrance faces my car porch and opposite are other terrace houses. There is only a small window on this side apart from the main door.

Upon entering the main door is the kitchen + toilet + maid room, followed by dining hall and then living hall. My living room has large glass window and sliding door and it overlooks a 20ft garden and about 5ft below the garden is a jogging track as well as open space of about 33ft followed by a hugh lake.

If the main door is considered as the front of the house, then the lake is at the back which is bad feng shui. However if the living room is considered as the front of the house because of the most chi coming in, then the lake is fronting the house and its good feng shui. So please help. Thanks

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