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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
Hi, I found out that my element is strong yin water. I have intention to run a restaurant but I fear that water element will clash with fire, in which people relate restaurant with.

Resturant is Fire (selling/cooking food) and also Earth (Food). So it is mixed Fire/Earth to be more accurate.

You see there is a difference between weak water and strong water:-

1) weak water is one where you lack metal and water. Thus, metal and water is you favourable. While, wood / earth is unfavourable. Whilefire (your wealth is unfavourable), unless you have more metal/water to strengthen your weak water so that it is strong enough to control it.

2) Strong water is one where you have lots of metal and water already making you strong, so elements which weaken or help to keep your strong water from being overly strong. So Wood which helps to exhaust, while Earth which destroy water and even Fire which is your wealth is favourable for you.

If you are a weak water, then yes, running a restaurant isn't favourable for you. However, as you are a Strong water, this means that Fire and Earth which is represented by running a Restaurant is your wealth and your favourable element. So it is actually a very suitable wealth element career for you at least based on the fact you are a strong water.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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