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A very good friend of mine is pregnat.She is expecting a boy ,the due date is the 17 of feb.Because of her health situation she will have a cesarian so......I dared to make a suggestion,the 16 of february,dragon hour,or rooster hour.Please could you give me a second opinion?ii anything bad that you can see so thi shoud be avoided.I chooce this date because the self element is strong.I hope for a bit more information,if possible?Thank you so much!
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Dear Delia,

delia diaconu wrote:
A very good friend of mine is pregnat.She is expecting a boy ,the due date is the 17 of feb.Because of her health situation she will have a cesarian so......I dared to make a suggestion,the 16 of february,dragon hour,or rooster hour.Please could you give me a second opinion?ii anything bad that you can see so thi shoud be avoided.I chooce this date because the self element is strong.I hope for a bit more information,if possible?Thank you so much!

NOTE: In future, it is best you seek professional consultancy services on such questions as any question that needs to consider many factors are not suitable to be answered by anyone under free advice.

Why? Simply because so many factors are not know, ie the parent's date and time ofbirth (to check whether the baby element can also bring luck to parents) and how suitable the baby will be to the parents etc. Without allfactors being considered, any advice given may not be correctly given. And could result giving you the wrong advice and instead of helping any result in more harm or problems.

I advice on the general ba zi analysis (not considering any other factors) for the day16 Feb 2007 on a boy. The day seems generally auspicious luck for baby boy. But need to be careful of unbalanced five element charts for certain hours which may mean potentially higher health problems.

Which is the better hour, that one you will need to assess in detail, and also need to consider what types of characteristics the parents hold more important for the baby to have. There is no best hour, but rather the best hour that the parents feel that they can accept the pros and cons.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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