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I am one month pregnant and I have heard that according to feng shui principles it is a bad idea to move while pregnant. But my apartmennt is not suitable for a child and has many questionable attributes so in my case would moving still be a bad idea? Which is worse, a bad apartment or moving while pregnant? Why is moving while pregnant a bad idea anyway?
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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
I am one month pregnant and I have heard that according to feng shui principles it is a bad idea to move while pregnant. But my apartmennt is not suitable for a child and has many questionable attributes so in my case would moving still be a bad idea? Which is worse, a bad apartment or moving while pregnant? Why is moving while pregnant a bad idea anyway?

Yes, it is not good to move while you are pregnant. This is simple logic, moving often requires strength and often easier for accidents to occur, people knocking into you while moving. So if you move while you are pregnant, the chances of miscarriages is higher. So it is never wise to move while you are pregnant.

You can still move to the new house, but you should not be involved in any of the moving process. ie leave it to your other family members or profesional movers. You should not be around when moving so as to avoid any accidents.

Anonymous wrote:
But my apartmennt is not suitable for a child and has many questionable attributes so in my case would moving still be a bad idea?

This is more towards the child is not suitable to the house or does not have a bedroom. This does not mean you cannot move, but rather that the house will not bring the child luck. I mean you can't do much about it now as since the house is already bought before the child is born, there is no way to know if the child has a suitable bedroom to use before you buy it.

All you can do about this portion, is to find the least inauspicious bedroom for him to stay, and choose the right colours scheme, or best bed position for the child.

As for your other portion about many questionable attributes. I am not sure what you are referring to so cannot comment.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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