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I need help with my report.
I have a lot of questions to ask.
Please help me understand it better.

I'm a weak Fire thus
most favourable element is Wood
favourable element is Fire.
Most unfavourable element is Water
unfavourable element is Earth.
Unfavourable Wealth is Metal.

My Balance of elements are like these.
1 Water (2%), 4 Wood (20%), 1 Fire (7%), 3 Earth (38%), 3 Metal (30%)

From the rating My water is very low 2%, and the (% rating) said to Increase Rating.
does that mean i have to increase my water element?
does the 7% makes me a weak fire?

On Detailed Analysis of Luck Pillars
My five elements changes for 7-26.
Water (22%), Wood (9%), Fire (3%), Earth (49%), Metal (14%)

My five elements changes for 27-36.
Water (1%), Wood (10%), Fire (55%), Earth (18%), Metal (15%)

does these changes make me into a strong fire since it has increase to 55%?
should i reduce my fire? and increase wood?
will i'll be too strong and should start increasing water?

which balance of elements should i use?
the one that changes every 10 years? or my overall balance elements

question regarding my career elements

Career with wealth = Metal
Career with Power & Authority = Water

"Analysis for the metal career path
According to your Pillars, you will not completely enjoy this wealth unless you enhance yourself with Wood.
This type of Career is not recommended unless you are in constant contact with Wood."

i'm in a bank and deal with investment i think it is metal
If i can constantly in contact with Wood, will I find my wealth?

how do i can constantly in contact with wood?
is that mean that i can't wear water/ earth / metal colours to work?
Should I wear only green/brown?
in some site i read that there are a neutral colours?
it is hard not to wear something that has black or white colours on daily basis.
what kind of jewerly to help enchance my wood element?

should i work facing East (Wood)? but my best working position is North which is (water)?
North (water) being my Most unfavourable element. I'm confused.

I also have shares in advertising company & Computer company which i don't run.
does having shares with company that may or may not match my element affect to the business?

Regarding main door direction and Changes in your Five Element Balance.
The report said my best the main door is facing North (water).
my childhood and youth it said that my house direction is better to face South or Fire
while my adulthood 28-46 i should staying in a house facing direction Wood (East)
Which direction is best for me?

what is bedroom location?
I understand bed direction. i have a bed room covering from north west, north, and north east side of the house
but the actual bed is in the north east side of the house and facing East direction.
does that mean the bed location is in spook location?

last question regarding Compatible Animal Signs.
does my partner also have to be the element that favourable for me?

I'm a weak Fire
should i find partner that is a strong Wood or weak fire?
or it doesn't matter much as long the sign is compatible?
which is more important? having a partner that matching elements?
or compatible animal sign?

Thank you.

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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
I'm a weak Fire thus
most favourable element is Wood
favourable element is Fire.
Most unfavourable element is Water
unfavourable element is Earth.
Unfavourable Wealth is Metal.

Anonymous wrote:
My Balance of elements are like these.
1 Water (2%), 4 Wood (20%), 1 Fire (7%), 3 Earth (38%), 3 Metal (30%)

As a weak Fire, your favourable is wood and fire element. You have 20% wood and 7% fire therefore what it means that you lack more Fire than wood. So both element even though are considered your favourable elements you lack more fire than wood. So fire element is your most favourable followed by wood element.

Your unfavourable element is water and earth. Earth (38%) while water (2%). This means that Earth is your most unfavourable because you have 38% of it exhausting your fire. While water is only 2%. So you are weak due to having too much earth. Water is still your unfavourable, but as there is 2% it is below the default threashold of 20%. So some water is still acceptable for you provided you have enough of Wood and Fire first.

Metal is your wealth element. As a weak fire, you are not able to control your wealth so it is by default unfavourable. Only when you are strong enough with more Wood and Fire then you will be able to benefit from being strong enough to control it.

So by default, what this all means is that Fire is your most favourable element, followed by Wood. Then when you have enough of Fire and Wood, some Water is also good for you.

You see, the goal is to have 20% of each element to attain perfect harmony. Only then will each of your element be at the right percentage to balance up your overall chart.

Anonymous wrote:
From the rating My water is very low 2%, and the (% rating) said to Increase Rating.
does that mean i have to increase my water element?
does the 7% makes me a weak fire?

Like I mentioned above, you add some water only when you have sufficient of wood and fire first.

7% fire does not make you weak. It is your total favourable vs your total unfavourable take makes you weak or strong:-

20% Wood + 7% Fire = 27% favourable element

30% Metal +2% Water = 32% unfavourable element

Earth element is not considered in this balance because it can exhaust fire weaking it, but at the same time destroy Water which makes you weak thus helping you. So since this element can help and weaken you, therefore cancel out it's effect.

Since you have 32% unfavourable elements vs 27% favourable, you are therefore determined to be weak.

So the 7% fire just means your weak fire is weaker due to less fire thanwood.

Anonymous wrote:
On Detailed Analysis of Luck Pillars
My five elements changes for 7-26.
Water (22%), Wood (9%), Fire (3%), Earth (49%), Metal (14%)

Anonymous wrote:
My five elements changes for 27-36.
Water (1%), Wood (10%), Fire (55%), Earth (18%), Metal (15%)

Anonymous wrote:
does these changes make me into a strong fire since it has increase to 55%?
should i reduce my fire? and increase wood?
will i'll be too strong and should start increasing water?

Your luck is always changing, thus your five element also changes through the different time period. That is why your percentage changes as you enter each period.

So any changes you make for that period is only good for that period. You should always base on your intial five element, then fine tune a little for that period depending on which element you have more or less.

So in 27-36 for example, it means you benefit from having more Wood than fire. So during this period, more wood will bring about greater luck improvement than fire.

Anonymous wrote:
which balance of elements should i use?
the one that changes every 10 years? or my overall balance elements

Always base on your intial, then just fine tune that period with the element you lack most. That means by default you lack most fire than wood. But that period, you should add more wood than fire. Once you pass that period, then fire is main element you sould focus on. In either case, as long as it is wood/fire you will still benefit from it.

Anonymous wrote:
Career with wealth = Metal
Career with Power & Authority = Water

Anonymous wrote:
"Analysis for the metal career path
According to your Pillars, you will not completely enjoy this wealth unless you enhance yourself with Wood.
This type of Career is not recommended unless you are in constant contact with Wood."

Anonymous wrote:
i'm in a bank and deal with investment i think it is metal
If i can constantly in contact with Wood, will I find my wealth?

The wealth element is always present for everyone. Just that weak person needs first to strengthen their favourable elements, while a strong person already have enough elemens to directly control the wealth.

As you work in a bank and dealing with investment, your career and job scope is metal element. As a weak Fire, you will not be strong enough to control it, so still need more wood/fire elements in other areas of your life.

For example, colours of your room decor/car/clothes would be wood (green/brown) or like fire (red). Even having a house that is South (fire) or East/South-East (wood) would also be good. Or people/family members that is of wood/fire will be good for you. Basically you can relate five element to any of these areas found at this link:-

URL: http://talk.geomancy.net

Anonymous wrote:
how do i can constantly in contact with wood?
is that mean that i can't wear water/ earth / metal colours to work?
Should I wear only green/brown?
in some site i read that there are a neutral colours?
it is hard not to wear something that has black or white colours on daily basis.
what kind of jewerly to help enchance my wood element?

How to add your wood, I have explained above.

A little of water element is still acceptable. But most should be in shade of green/brown (wood) or red/purple (fire).

Neutral colours are white and black. For example, in most working attire, white is the base colour, but if you wear a red colour tie, you are adding fire element to what you wear.

For jewerly, you can go for any of the wood/fire element type gemstones:-

Garnet = Fire
Amethyst = Fire
Aquamarine = Water
Diamond = Metal
Emerald = Wood
Pearl = Metal
Ruby = Fire
Peridot = Wood
Sapphire = Fire
Opal = Earth
Topa = Earth
Turquoise = Water

Anonymous wrote:
should i work facing East (Wood)? but my best working position is North which is (water)?
North (water) being my Most unfavourable element. I'm confused.

There is two direction analysis. One is based on the ba zi and the other is abased on your eight house.

Eight House is often used for micro level. ie the position of your desk in the room etc.

Ba Zi direction is used more for macro level. ie staying in a South part of singapore etc.

So for desk direction/sleep position, you still based on eight house (avoiding death and disaster sector). Or go for the direction that is both favourable in your ba zi and your eight house. So in this case you should follow your best work postioin which is North.

Anyway, as mentioned you lack some water, so some water is not entirely bad for you.

Anonymous wrote:
I also have shares in advertising company & Computer company which i don't run.
does having shares with company that may or may not match my element affect to the business?

Even though certain element is favourable etc. Having shaes in company is aninvestment. In any investment you should always based on fundamentals of the company (ie good business model etc). Rather than relay on feng shui to assess. If a company is have good fundamentals, then it will make money and thus you can earn dividend or gain from the price of the shares. So such factors are far more important than basing on feng shui.

Anonymous wrote:
Regarding main door direction and Changes in your Five Element Balance.
The report said my best the main door is facing North (water).
my childhood and youth it said that my house direction is better to face South or Fire
while my adulthood 28-46 i should staying in a house facing direction Wood (East)
Which direction is best for me?

Again, your initial chart element or direction is your base element / direction to focus on. The 10-yearly changes are temporarily.

For temporarily changes, the change in colour etc are more practical things to change rather than a house. As a house is expensive to own, so it is definately not practical to change your house every ten years. So you should go for a house that fits your initial chart rather than your current luck period.

Of course, unless you can afford to change a house every 10-year, then of course going by the current 10-year luck advise would be good.

Anonymous wrote:
what is bedroom location?
I understand bed direction. i have a bed room covering from north west, north, and north east side of the house
but the actual bed is in the north east side of the house and facing East direction.
does that mean the bed location is in spook location?

Bedroom location means if you divide your house from the centerpoint, the room that falls in the North= Longevityfor example will be the North sector. If your bedroom location is located in the North sector then it is a suitable room.

Within the room, your focus if possible is to choose the right sleeping position. Such as North facing, means your head point north, feet point south.

Anonymous wrote:
last question regarding Compatible Animal Signs.
does my partner also have to be the element that favourable for me?

Anonymous wrote:
I'm a weak Fire
should i find partner that is a strong Wood or weak fire?
or it doesn't matter much as long the sign is compatible?
which is more important? having a partner that matching elements?
or compatible animal sign?

This is of course ideally good to have, but realistically, it is hard to get perfect horoscope sign. So the more realistic is the compatible element. A compatible element signs is easier to balance.

However, every couple can still be balanced with finding the common element. For example, weak water and weak wood, can use water element as the binding element. So irregardless of what element, there is way to balance the element.

Furthermore, besides harmonising the heaven luck, a relationship depends a lot on human luck.So I won't worry too much about this.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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Dear Robert,

Thanks for the quick helpful reply but i still have some question

question regarding Feng Shui Element.
as my Balance of elements are like these.
1 Water (2%), 4 Wood (20%), 1 Fire (7%), 3 Earth (38%), 3 Metal (30%)

My five elements changes for 7-26.
Water (22%), Wood (9%), Fire (3%), Earth (49%), Metal (14%)
My five elements changes for 27-36.
Water (1%), Wood (10%), Fire (55%), Earth (18%), Metal (15%)
My five elements changes for 37-46.
Water (1%), Wood (11%), Fire (34%), Earth (21%), Metal (17%)
My five elements changes for 47-56.
Water (1%), Wood (39%), Fire (4%), Earth (22%), Metal (17%)
My five elements changes for 57-66.
Water (1%), Wood (34%), Fire (30%), Earth (18%), Metal (15%)

I like to know why doesnt it sums up to 100%? some adds up to 97% or 98% or even 84%?
when my wood increases will my fire automatically increase since wood help to produce my main element?
or if my water increase my fire automatically reduce since Water destroys Fire?

You said always base on your intial elements, then just fine tune that period with the element you lack most.
Since you have provided changes for period of 10 years till 126. that is not temporary.
I'm asking coz i'm in a period where my element changes so much compare to the initial elements.
I'm 26 should be 27 next year. my fire will be at 55% from 3% or 7% (initial).
and the total favourable vs your total unfavourable changes
10% Wood + 55% Fire = 65% favourable element
15% Metal + 1% Water = 16% unfavourable element

favourable element vs unfavourable element
65% vs 16% it is a huge change from ages 7-26 (12% vs 36%) or the initial (27% vs 32%).

I'm planning to move to a house on northern part of the city which door direction facing south,
the bed direction was plan to face east.

I'm still thinking of a good colour for the bedroom and living room.
If I'm in need of wood i was thinking of colouring it green for the bedroom.
and red for the living room. or should it be the other way around?

another problem is that my partner a strong metal, I can see she can benefit from my fire and she should be fine with the colour of red.
but her 4 Good and 4 Bad Direction belong to the west group.
how can people that belong to totally different group sleep together?
if she sleep on east she is on the irritation direction. is there a way to counter?

Currently I lived in an apartment in southern part of the city which door direction facing north, i think is perfect except but my bed direction facing northeast (spook)
BEST sleeping position
Direction: East 67.5 to 112.4 (Health direction)
Direction: South 157.5 to 202.4 (Longevity direction)

since i read feng shui now i try not to sleep facing northeast but there is no way i could change the position of the bed.
I try to sleep on diagonal direction where i sleep facing east, but i don't really find it comfortable since it is diagonal.
is there a way to counter this?

last question is which is better for me to live on?
a house on northern part of the city which door direction facing south, bed direction was plan to face east.
or my apartment in southern part of the city which door direction facing north, bed direction facing northeast.

Thank you.

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Dear Erwin,

Erwin Wiradinata Halim wrote:
I like to know why doesnt it sums up to 100%? some adds up to 97% or 98% or even 84%?

I am aware of this. Most figures shouldadd up to about 98-99% without the proper round up or down of the decimal point percentage. It is because I let the system show only the numeric less the decimal point. So the system does not round up or down the decimal point. Maybe in future version, I will include the 2 decimal points.

As for the 84%, that could could be someerror. I will have to get back to you after I checked it out.

Erwin Wiradinata Halim wrote:
when my wood increases will my fire automatically increase since wood help to produce my main element?
or if my water increase my fire automatically reduce since Water destroys Fire?

Yes, when your wood increase, it will help your main element. Just like when you have more of your unfavourable elements it will reduce your element. But these factors on how much it helps or destroy your element is not easy to calculate.

The reason is simple. Take Wood element. Wood helps Fire grow. At the same time, Wood destroy Fire. At the same time Wood also exhaust Water. So at any one time, there are 3 different interactions.

The chart will not not consider this because it will be impossible to accurately determine the exact help/destroy/exhaust factor. It will only show you how many roughly how many elements is present and what is the rough percentage representation.

Erwin Wiradinata Halim wrote:
You said always base on your intial elements, then just fine tune that period with the element you lack most.
Since you have provided changes for period of 10 years till 126. that is not temporary.

The changes in 10-year is temporary. This is because I tabulate that factor based on what elements are favourable in each year.So that percentage only shows you the changes for that whole 10-year.

In each year, the percentage will change again. Even in each month, the percentage will always be changing. But it gets harder and harder to tabulate a percentage value.

But it is temporary. It is for you to see what percentage may be influence by that period. Your main favourable and unfavourable elements does not really change because of it.

What does change is that for that period, you may be stronger for example. Thus, say if that is your wealth year, instead of being average or mix-blessing because you are not strong enough to control. For that year, you will be better.

Erwin Wiradinata Halim wrote:
I'm asking coz i'm in a period where my element changes so much compare to the initial elements.
I'm 26 should be 27 next year. my fire will be at 55% from 3% or 7% (initial).
and the total favourable vs your total unfavourable changes
10% Wood + 55% Fire = 65% favourable element
15% Metal + 1% Water = 16% unfavourable element

That is why your 10-year luck period can show you why certain luck period is better/worst for you. But again, this is temporary, because as you change a next 10-year, the percentage changes again.

Also, you are forgetting, this calculation is only consider what the whole 10-year period's five element is likely to be. Factors such as your existing house element, the colours, the career element etc are not considered. So again, your percentage will change.

That is why you cannot just take that 10-yearly five element balance as permanent. You should only use it to see what elements you need more or less. Remember, it is not possible to tell you exactly how many percentage is a colour of your shirt/car/bedroom decor will affect you. So where you are a say a weak fire, then generally more wood and fire will definately benefit you.

Which is why the initial chart five element is the more important and permanent chart you based on. While the five element changes each year, is for a reference to know how best you can fine tune.

Erwin Wiradinata Halim wrote:
favourable element vs unfavourable element
65% vs 16% it is a huge change from ages 7-26 (12% vs 36%) or the initial (27% vs 32%).

Yes, this is expected, The main reason is because every 10-year, the luck pillar's heavenly stem/earthly branch changes. Each 5-year/year, it also changes. So your percentage also changes depending whether the 10-year/5-yearly/year favours or not favours you.

Which is why it is temporary only. For that period only.

Erwin Wiradinata Halim wrote:
I'm still thinking of a good colour for the bedroom and living room.
If I'm in need of wood i was thinking of colouring it green for the bedroom.
and red for the living room. or should it be the other way around?

Usually, for bedroom you try to choose colours favourable to you and your spouse. For common rooms shared by other family members, you choose a more netural colours (ie white/light beige etc) or colours generally favouring most of your family members.

Also, take note here, is that you also have to consider the flying star influence. Certain colours like bright yellow/bright red can activate the inauspicious misfortune stars etc. Even colours like green/brown (Wood) can also sometimes activate the inauspicious Lawsuit / Quarrels stars.

In general, if you should always use light pastel colours, never use dark shades of the colours. Light pastel is often mixed with white which represents metal. Metal is often the element necessary to balance the inauspicious stars.

Erwin Wiradinata Halim wrote:
another problem is that my partner a strong metal, I can see she can benefit from my fire and she should be fine with the colour of red.
but her 4 Good and 4 Bad Direction belong to the west group.
how can people that belong to totally different group sleep together?
if she sleep on east she is on the irritation direction. is there a way to counter?

This is very common. Just like each person have different favourable elements, each person also have different directions.

We always use a give and take approach. For example, for house facing, the breadwinner gets the best house facing, while the bedroom is given to the spouse.

For sleep position, in a king/queen size bed, there is always a right and left side of the bed, right? So you determine which side of the bed falls closer to that person's favourable eight house sector. So each person will sleep on the side of the bed best for each other and shield each other from the negative aspects.

Erwin Wiradinata Halim wrote:
since i read feng shui now i try not to sleep facing northeast but there is no way i could change the position of the bed.
I try to sleep on diagonal direction where i sleep facing east, but i don't really find it comfortable since it is diagonal.
is there a way to counter this?

There are many many concepts in feng shui. To get everything correct without a single flaw is impossible.

In bedroom arrangement, the shapes and form placement of the bed is most important, followed by the most suitable position/bed directions.

For example, the bed should be placed such that when you sleep you can see the door. This is the best position. So even if the bed position is not the best, this is the most recommended position. There is no way to change it unless, you build the house entirely from scratch and can plan all these factor before you actually construct the place.

Anyway, there are still many factors affecting your luck, such as the luck from the house, the colour of the bedroom. So, even if this is not the best position, it does not mean that it is all doom for you. You still be able to compensate from other areas.

What is most important, is that you correct as many flaws that you can fix. As you fix any flaws, you will already be improving your luck. So even if there are one or two areas you cannot control, it won't matter as generally most things are correct or right for you.

Erwin Wiradinata Halim wrote:
last question is which is better for me to live on?
a house on northern part of the city which door direction facing south, bed direction was plan to face east.
or my apartment in southern part of the city which door direction facing north, bed direction facing northeast.

Of hand, I don't have your chart in front of me.

Under the five element direction suitability:-

1. North part of City is water direction. South part of City is fire direciton. Based on your current post, I understand that wood/fire is better for you right, so that means South part of the city is better.

2. But even that, the house facing is also important. If North facing house is not as good or suitable than South facing house, then even if you stay in the part of the city that is favourable it is no use.

However, when it comes to the house direction, the flying star of the house is also important. So priority, I would have to say focus first on the house direction make sure it is of the most suitable flying star and house facing. The actual location within the city is less important. This is because the qi of the house is based on your house facing, if the qi is lousy, then you will be adversely impacted by it.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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