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Dear Naveen,

naveen kumar wrote:
My friendkept 1 arowana at home and 3 in office. Will this type of match will support or will degrade him as he is in troubles.

naveen kumar wrote:
plesae kindly suggest us whether to continue like this or not

If a person likes fishes, there is absolutely nothing wrong for them to rear any kind of fish as long as it makes that person happy. Remember, that the human luck (how good you feel is also important).

However, if you are asking in about whether it is good or bad to rear fish in feng shui. Then it will depends on several factors:-

1. Is the water considered a good element for that person? For example, a weak fire person will not benefit from rearing fish because water will destroy fire. Therefore, it is not suitable for that person. This one you have to determine what element is your friend and assess accordingly with this tool:-

URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-element.htm

2. The next is whether the sector in the house where the fish is located is beneficial to have the water feature there? If not, you may actually down your wealth. If the fish tank is located in the water wealth sector of the house, then it is good. Otherwise, it may bring him more troubles.

So from feng shui point of view, the above two points are important to consider whether keeping fishes is good for that person or not.

Beyond that, if his bazi lacks water and the fish tank sector is good, and yet he still face problems, then his problem is probably due to other factors such as a very bad house luck feng shui, or a totally unsuitable house (ie staying in his death/disaster facing house). Even his current luck period could be inauspicious in his ba zi.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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