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Dear Lindberg,

S Lindberg wrote:
Which should I use in interpreting things in my home? I feel very confused about this. Thank you.

Proper Feng Shui evalutions uses proper feng shui tools such as:-

1. Ba Zi - To help understand about yourself what element you belong to, what type of luck and what kind of Heaven Luck you are give.

2. Compass Schools (Eight House/Flying Star) - Eight House to determine how suitable a house is to you, and your 4 good and 4 bad directions. While Flying Star determine how is your house luck. Just like the ba zi helps you understand your personal luck, the Flying Star helps you understand how your house luck is form.

3. Shapes and Form - Allows you assess how your house external environment will affect your house.

4. Usually, with the above tools, it will give you a good overview of your overall luck. A person's luck is affected by:-

4a) Heaven Luck - Which is the luck you are given. So the ba zi/horoscope helps you here.

4b) Earth Luck - Your home and environment. So the compass schools and the shape and form concepts helps you here.

4d) Human Luck - Your relationship andownhard work.

So proper feng shui will uses these tools to assess. To see how best to get the house in the right colour, placing the furniture and layout so that everyone feels comfortable to stay in the house.

As for Black Sect Tantric Buddhist (BTB) appears to have been a modern "invention" fabricated in the mind of one person: Thomas Lin Yun. It has no no basis in or connected to Traditional Chinese Feng Shui. BTB is not recognised by many practitioners of Traditional Chinese Feng Shui. Traditional practitioners also consider BTB to be Psuedo-Feng Shui. It is based primarily on a marketing scheme derived from superstition and profit.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

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