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Hi Master,

I have been told that my DM element is weak, but your website says i am strong earth...someone explained that because mainly Iwas born in autumn.. what do you think of this? Here is my bazi, and below is his explanation:


This chart belongs to the Hurting Officer structure (ShangGuan Ge). Born in the month of autumn, the metal is strong. For easy reference, the strength of each elements during autumn are as follow:

Metal (Prosperous), Wood (Dead), Water (Born), Fire (Trap) & Earth (Retreat)

Looking at each of the pillars:

Year: Bing fire sitting on Chen earth (water storage) - Bing fire is weak
Month: Ding fire sitting on You metal (strong metal) - Ding fire is weak
Day: Xu earth (DM) sitting on Chen earth - in the month of You metal, earth has retreated but the two earth are
supporting each other.
Hour: Jia wood sitting on Yin wood - in the month of You metal, wood is dead, but the two wood are
supporting each other.

For the day and hour pillars, we can also said that the Xu earth and Jia wood are rooted.

Looking at the EBs, the two Chen earth are producing the You metal, making the metal even stronger (note: to avoid confusion, I shall not go into whether the Chen-You combo will be successful or not).

Looking at the whole chart, the retreated earth elements are producing the already strong You metal, and thus, the earth elements are considered to be weak (i.e overly-exerted). Even though the earth can gain strength from the wood+fire (i.e. wood produces fire and fire produces earth), but the wood and fire are not strong either.

In this chart, we need wood and fire to curb the strength of the metal.

Which throws off everything that i believe from looking at your chart.

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Dear Linda,

Linda Tung wrote:
I have been told that my DM element is weak, but your website says i am strong earth...someone explained that because mainly Iwas born in autumn.. what do you think of this? Here is my bazi, and below is his explanation:

Frankly, there are many factors to consider in determining whether you are a weak or strong chart. As far as our website is concerned (after considering all the elements, element strengthen, combinations/clashes/joins etc), we determine whether you are weak or strong based on the fundamental equation of whether your favourable element making you strong is it greather than your unfavourable element making you weak.

As far as your chart is concerned, the final breakdown of your percentage will be:-


1 Water
12 %

3 Wood
Extremely Weak
9 %

3 Fire
18 %

3 Earth
28 %

2 Metal
31 %

As you are born in the earth element day, this means that favourable for you to be strong would be fire+earth. While, water and wood which weakens your earth would make you you weak.

Favourable Elements: 18% Fire + 28% Earth = 46%

Unfavourable Elements: 12% Water + 9% Wood = 21%

Metal isn't considered into the inital equation because it can both help water become stronger, and it can also destroy Wood which weakens the unfavourable elements. It also can exhaust Earth which weakens earth. So ultimately, if you cannot factor Metal into either side of the equation as it cancels it's own effect.

Therefore, since your favourable element is 46% vs 21% you are deemed to be a Strong Earth. That is how we do our fundamental calculation. Of course we also did consider some of the points you mentioned.

However, you also have to note, that some of the points you mentiond may be tehnically correct, but not every point should be factor in. Especially, changes that brings about indirect changes. Such as water produces wood, but it also destroys fire, and at the same time it exhaust metal. So at any one time, there are 3 ways an element adds to the element.

Though, you mentioned some of the changes sounds technically correct, not every pointcan be considered into the initial equation as some have double edge influence (meaning it not only help it also destroy which cancel's that effect out).

At least this is our fundamental way of finding the best way to deduce the overall state of your ba zi element. And that is how you are defined as Strong Earth.

The from the Strong Earth, we later use the breakdown in the initial five element percentage to fine tune what you lack in your chart:-

For example, you are a Strong Earth, So generally, you favourable elements are metal/water/wood. Wood (9%) is what you lack most so this is your most favourable element, followed by water (12%) and least favourable is metal as you have 31%.

The ideal percentage is 20% of each element. Thus, some fire after you have sufficient wood+water is good as fire helps to keep the excess Metal in check.

You see, you need an balance amount of each element to achieve perfect harmony. On the basic, as long as you add metal/water/wood, you will already weaken your excess earth. But on a fine tuning level, wood+water and some fire will be the way to balance your chart.

Thus, as far asour website is concerned, you are a Strong Earth after we consider all the various fundamental changes in your ba zi chart and as shown in the percentage that we worked out.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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