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I have one big question. I heard what it is dangerous for marriage to have a fish tank on the left side, if you stay facing the entrance door. But this is our South East side, which supposed to be good for Wealth.

So, what is the right answer?!

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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
I have one big question. I heard what it is dangerous for marriage to have a fish tank on the left side, if you stay facing the entrance door. But this is our South East side, which supposed to be good for Wealth.

Sorry don't quite understand what you are trying to say. Fish tank on the left side of what? And what you mean stay facing the entrance door?

Remember, that there are lots of general feng shui tips available, but a lot of time most tips does not explain the reasons behind and and often is meant for certain situation. So sometimes these tips only works when a certain suituation arise.

Generaly, for water feature under the flying star concept, if it is placed at the auspicious water star, it is generally good. Then the rest depends on other factors or the unique situation behind it.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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