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We have a very small bedroom. The bedroom door opens to the inside but due to the fact that the room is so small, the bed obstructs the opening.

Now, i am planning to change the door to a frameless door so thatitcan be wide opened to the outside.

Is this OK?

Thanks !

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Dear At Lee,

At Lee wrote:
We have a very small bedroom. The bedroom door opens to the inside but due to the fact that the room is so small, the bed obstructs the opening.

At Lee wrote:
Now, i am planning to change the door to a frameless door so thatitcan be wide opened to the outside.

Generally, it is bad to have the door open outwards.Firstly, it is like Qi leak outwards especially if this is your main door. Also, because when the door open outwards, you have to even more careful when you open the door. As people walking by may hit the door when you open outwards.

Probably,a sliding door alternatively would be much betterif there is space is a constraint.Also, take note thatyou should avoidhaving thebed face the door else, it is like sleeping inthecoffin position which isalso bad feng shui.

See if you can opt for asliding dooroption first, else if really cannot thenprobably no choice, but must be careful about door opening outwards and hittingpeople. Not much of a choice if you can't avoid it.

Hope that helps.

Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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