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What determines a good time to start a project?


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since I have begun remodeling my main bathroom, I have experienced a series of expensive mishaps - cracked windshield, flat tire, broken tie-rod, expensive contract. (I'm hoping that is all)

What determines daily luck? I have done my house and each room, but what do I do to determine if and when it is a good time to start a project????

Very Frustrated and Now Broke!

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Dear Roberta,

Roberta Belliveau wrote:
since I have begun remodeling my main bathroom, I have experienced a series of expensive mishaps - cracked windshield, flat tire, broken tie-rod, expensive contract. (I'm hoping that is all)

There are usually two things that might cause this issue:-

1) Generally, if your house is built in any of the previous luck period (ie period 7 - 1984-2003, period 6 - 1964-1983 etc). Any major renovations you do after 2004, will change your luck to the Period 8 (2004-2023).

Sometimes the house luck may change for better some may change for the worst depending on the direction of your home and whether the previous period is better than current period. So this is one problem that you might be affecting you. ie the current Period 8 house luck is actually less auspicious than your previous house luck.

You can make use of the free flying star chart in our member area to check on this:-

URL: http://login.geomancy.net

This means that there may be a star5 (misfortune star)active somehwhere in your frontage of the house or in your current bedroom or rooms you make use of.

2) If your renovationwork is close to North-North-West (330 degree), you may have accidentially oftended the Tai Shu (Grand Duke) for this year. Especially, so if you do not start on a good date or did not have a start of renovation ritual. This will be hard to correct as once you offend it, may be hard to correct. You can try to have an offering to seek forgiveness.

Roberta Belliveau wrote:
What determines daily luck? I have done my house and each room, but what do I do to determine if and when it is a good time to start a project????

Each person's ba zi can forecast a daily luck change. This change every 10-year/5-year/year/month/day etc.

As for auspicious dates, in additional to good or bad days each day, another important aspect to consider is whether the day clashes with the year, whether there are like other influence broken day etc. Most of the problem days will contain these issues and should be avoided.

So a good day to start work is usually deemed a date that does not have any bad influence between the day and year, and should be fairly suitable to your bazi element and should not clash with your horoscope. That is generally what we determine to be a good day.

Time is usually less improtance once a day is deemed good. But for renovation often it is better to start early morning. Normally 8-9am which are also auspicious soundings.

You can make use of our auspicious dates link to look up for good date.

URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-dateboth.htm

For renovation, often besides the good date, you should have a simple start of renovation ritual. Such as knocking on the floor 3 times and apologising to all the "spirits" in the house for any disturbance as you are about to start renovation work.

That is usually what is done to minimise offending any spirits or tai sui (grand duke) etc.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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