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Understand it's not a good year to do any renovation. However, really need to paint the house as its in bad shape. Pls advise when is a good time to do so and thefavourable colours for kua 9(female) and 3 (male). Also which place should the painting commences i.e kitchen or whichcompass direction. If changing of windows is required, can it be done this year. Hope to receive an advice soon. Good day and many thanks.

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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
Understand it's not a good year to do any renovation. However, really need to paint the house as its in bad shape. Pls advise when is a good time to do so and thefavourable colours for kua 9(female) and 3 (male). Also which place should the painting commences i.e kitchen or whichcompass direction. If changing of windows is required, can it be done this year. Hope to receive an advice soon. Good day and many thanks.

Actually, all painting isn't that of a major renovation. Furthermore, it looks more like a repair or maintenance work.

Just choose a good date and time to start your renovation. At most before your renovation just knock on the floor 3 time and tell all spirits in the house you are planning to start the renovation and apologise for any inconvienced caused.

You can make use of our auspicious date link to look up a good date:-

URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-dateboth.htm

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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