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Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility


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Hello there, I'm the year of rat(1984) and
my exbf is the year of monkey(1980). We
broke up thursday. We been together for
about two years next thursday. Why did we
break up if the chinese zodiac sign says
that we are the perfect match? Why? Please
help. Is there any chance we will get back
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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
Hello there, I'm the year of rat(1984) and my exbf is the year of monkey(1980). We broke up thursday. We been together for about two years next thursday. Why did we break up if the chinese zodiac sign says that we are the perfect match? Why? Please help. Is there any chance we will get back together?

Horoscope compatibilty is only one area that considers your year of birth vs another person's year of birth.

In addition, in terms of compatibilty you need to check on thee five element compatibility, ba zi compatibility and human luck factor.

Sometimes the horoscope may be compatible, but say if one is a weak wood and the other is strong Metal. Wood and Metal clashes with each other so there will be more conflicts if there is no common binding element of water element present.

Even if your ba zi chart, if the ba zi chart between the two persons,have major clashes or many minor clashes, that will also show incompatibility between the two person. You can use the free ba zi compatibility within our member area to check on this:-

URL: http://login.geomancy.net

The finally, the human luck factor will play an important role even if the overall compatibilty is acceptable. You see in any relationship, both persons must put in equal effort to make a relationship work. If it is a one sided effort, no matter how compatible the chart maybe it will still not like work out. Also, being able to spend time with each other to develop stronger bond is what helps make or break a relationship.

That is why for us we always stress that compatibilty through checking your horoscope/five element/ba zi is just one aspect. As long as there are common binding element, and enough human effort it is possible for any relationship to last. In any, case human luck effort will form the major reason whether a relationship can last or not.

So in this case, you will have to evaluate what is wrong first in order to see if the relationship can be repaired.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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