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Dear Da Wang,

Da Wang wrote:
Tell me the difference in the topic title and why the calculation to other website too.

Generally, there are two ways to look up an auspicious date.

1) One method is by looking up the Tong Shu.

Which is basicallyan alamac of events that is created to let you know generally how the day is in relation to the year. This is general assesment without personalising the dates to any individual.

This means that say 10 Jan is determined to be an auspicious date for wedding. This means that the date is generally it is good for wedding for everyone on this planet.

However, noteveryone will find that day good, simply becauseindividually, the day might clash with that person. That is why in addition to the Tong Shu, often you will need to check if the day is suitable to you or not through your ba zi for example. That is where the 2nd method is available to bridge add the additional personalisation needed to consider all the aspects.

2) The second method is Personalised Auspicious Dates

This means that in additional to key alamanc dates in the tong shu, one needs also to consider if the day clashes with the individual's ba zi. Then draw a balance to find a date which isn't too bad in the tong shu as well as suitable. That would be the best overall date.

However, as personalisation is added, it does not necessary follow the tong shu forecast as it is not possible. A good date in the tong shu does not necessary mean it is suitable to the ba zi. A not to bad date but is suitable to the ba zi may bring more luck to the individual.

So when you balance all these factor, you get the best overall date available to each person. That is how the personalised dates in geomancy differ from the normal tong shu.

So you normally use either one of the method. If you use method 1, then you do not use method 2. If you use method 2, then you shouldn't use method 1 anymore as the method 2 already considers the personalised aspects.

You make use of our auspicious date analysis from this link:-

URL: http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-dateboth.htm

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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