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Ive found a nice house for me and my wife. The thing is both of us is kua8. The house faces South West. But my master bedroom location is in south.
My bed head also can only be placed on the direction of the south east (south east wall in the bedroom) becoz other sides all very inconvenient.
What should i do?
Please help to advise
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Dear Alex,

Alex Chua Kim Soon wrote:
Master, Ive found a nice house for me and my wife. The thing is both of us is kua8. The house faces South West. But my master bedroom location is in south. My bed head also can only be placed on the direction of the south east (south east wall in the bedroom) becoz other sides all very inconvenient. What should i do? Alex Please help to advise

Generally,the house is suitable to you facing to you. Though the room isn't the best sector. It isn't considered ultimately the most suitable house. However, it is still considered a suitable house.

So even if the room is disaster, it won't be too bad as you still get luck from the house facing. Thus, the impact will be lesser.

You can still try to fix up other areas of the house, or choose suitable colour scheme so that you can enhance can boost up the luck further.

One or two problems does not mean the house is hopeless. It is hard to get a house that is perfect in everyway unless you build your own house. Even then, there will still be some areas that will still be imperfect.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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