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Respected sir,

The mother of my friendsuffers from cancer.I had gone through the flying star chart of herhouse built in period 5 with NW1, .Is any star combination of star 9 with star 5 or star 2 in south area or any area suggestive of cancer,please clarify on this and any possible combination suggesting any major illness

Awaiting your reply

Thank you

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Dear Ann,

ann j wrote:
The mother of my friendsuffers from cancer.I had gone through the flying star chart of herhouse built in period 5 with NW1, .Is any star combination of star 9 with star 5 or star 2 in south area or any area suggestive of cancer,please clarify on this and any possible combination suggesting any major illness

Though, the house was built in period 5, the house luck would have already slowly flown over to the at least period 7 or even may have flown to the period 8 house luck.

But the combination of star 9, star 5 and star 2 is very bad for health related. Star 9 is weak fire, but star 2 strong earth (illness) and strat 5 strong earth (misfortune). This combination is extremely bad for health because weak fire enhances earth in star 2 and 5. If the sector has further fire (red) or earth (yellow) colours, it might worsen the sector.

However, generally there maybe other problems together such as bad ba zi healthissue together that makes it worst. You see, often a problem does not just arise from one area. It is a series of problems together that makeitbad.So it take several bad things to be a major problem. So probably the house sector is one, but also the inherient ba zi health issues and probably a bad health period may also be another reason.

Try to minimise any further fire or earth elements from making that sector worst. But ultimately, at this point seeking medical help would be the best thing to do for any health related issues.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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