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Hi, I know this may be a question that is not answered due to being superstition/omen. But here it goes-
I just moved into a new office and found a dead bat, I removed it, what can I do?
My birth is august 7, 1963 and this office is on the west side of the building.
thanks for any assistance.
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Dear Anonymous,

Anonymous wrote:
Hi, I know this may be a question that is not answered due to being superstition/omen. But here it goes- I just moved into a new office and found a dead bat, I removed it, what can I do? My birth is august 7, 1963 and this office is on the west side of the building. thanks for any assistance.

As you mentioned, this is not really a feng shui issue.In this case, bats/rats etc are all pest. So there isn't any problem that is related to feng shui.

The only thing is that you may feel or think it might be a bad omen to have found something dead especially when you move just move in. So maybe spend some time to clean up/disinfectthe place or even a small prayer and offerings on auspicious date just to symbolise getting rid of this potential bad luck.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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