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i would like to know that if the apartment balcony side view is railways is it good or bad feng shui?last time i stayed in house near railways and i think the feng shui not so good but that previous house also have many bad feng shui thing.therefore i not sure whether railways do have anything to do with feng shui.
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Dear Fong Li,

Fong Li wrote:
i would like to know that if the apartment balcony side view is railways is it good or bad feng shui?last time i stayed in house near railways and i think the feng shui not so good but that previous house also have many bad feng shui thing.therefore i not sure whether railways do have anything to do with feng shui.

Generally, railways can pretty much be a sha qi depending on how the track cuts into the house. Even if it does not cut into the house, the common sense approach is that trains tend to be noisy. So noise is also another form of sha qi.

So either way, if a railway track is too closed, then yes it isn't that ideal. Especially if you are staying in flats that are low floor (which will be closest to the track and noise. Higher floor may still not be as bad.

However, generally it isn't too great to have a railway too close. Especially, if there are many trains pasting though.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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