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Dear Robert,

I havesome questions relating to the Ba Zi Premium Report from this website - Demo Male born 1 Jan 1910 and would appreciate if you could kindly clarify..

1) Under the section on Summary of Elements (ie Elements Weighting), no weighting was given to WATER whereas the 4 Pillar chart shows that there is ONE WATER element.. Also, I think there should be3 EARTH elements (per chart) and not 4 per Summary.. Is there an error in the demo report or have I misunderstood something?

2) As a separate question,IF this Demo Male has no Water element shownon the face of his 4 pillar chart,but if there isHIDDEN element, eg Water element formed by the combination of Yang Fire+ Yin Metal,will this hidden Water element be counted and weighted as much as if it is clearly indicated in the chart? In another words,if this hidden Water elementcanbeincluded to"balance" his chart, can we sayhis chartis no longer lacking in WATER (though weighting needs to be increased to achieve better balance)?

3)Resulting from the abovequestion, ifheis no longer lacking in Water,can Waterbe stillconsidered his Most favourite element?

4) As a general question, are hidden elements morepowerful than the obvious ones?

Looking forward to your reply. Many thanks for your help.

Best Regards,

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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
1) Under the section on Summary of Elements (ie Elements Weighting), no weighting was given to WATER whereas the 4 Pillar chart shows that there is ONE WATER element.. Also, I think there should be3 EARTH elements (per chart) and not 4 per Summary.. Is there an error in the demo report or have I misunderstood something?

Determining the true element, means you have to also consider the combinations and clashes. Some pillars combine to form different elements. So sometimes even if your original chart have the water, but after combining with another element, it may lose the original element.

In the case of this chart, the Water element was converted to Earth element. So the original water is no longer present. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the report. It is just that there were much more factors considered then just a basic count of the five elements.

Anonymous wrote:
2) As a separate question,IF this Demo Male has no Water element shownon the face of his 4 pillar chart,but if there isHIDDEN element, eg Water element formed by the combination of Yang Fire+ Yin Metal,will this hidden Water element be counted and weighted as much as if it is clearly indicated in the chart? In another words,if this hidden Water elementcanbeincluded to"balance" his chart, can we sayhis chartis no longer lacking in WATER (though weighting needs to be increased to achieve better balance)?

Hidden elements are often not considered as part of the original element. As it is, it is already sometimes difficult to count all the main elements. To add in the hidden element changes would make it even more complicated and often, the hidden element only are present when certain factors occurs. So normally we do not include the hidden element as part of the tabulation of the original five element percentage. It is used more in the luck pillars analysis.

Anonymous wrote:
3)Resulting from the abovequestion, ifheis no longer lacking in Water,can Waterbe stillconsidered his Most favourite element?

This will depend on the percentage. We normally go by firstly what element you are. For example, Strong water would mean:-

A person generally have too much metal and water. Thus, he is strong. So anything that helps to keep him in check is favourable. So Wood, Fire and Earth are generally the more favourable elements. After that, we use the percentage to determine which is more important. Say Wood 10%, Fire 5% and Earth 33%. This means that the most favourable is Fire, followed by Wood. Earth which is 33% is too much so a person won't benefit if he adds more Earth compared to Fire and Wood. However, adding Earth is still the favourable element, just that won't benefit as much compared to Fire or Wood.

Thus, whether or not the water is favourable, depends on the percentage available.

Anonymous wrote:
4) As a general question, are hidden elements morepowerful than the obvious ones?

Not really. We use the hidden element usually more for the characteristic analysis rather then for the element itself. That is why we normally do not consider hidden element as part of the five element percentage.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Robert,

Many thanks for a speedy response which is very enlightening.

Ihave one more question arising from your answer to my Question (1) -

Under what circumstances can an element in the chart (Water in this demo case), when combined with another element, lose its own elemental status and change to another element (Earth in this demo case)?

Thank you.

Warmest regards,

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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
Under what circumstances can an element in the chart (Water in this demo case), when combined with another element, lose its own elemental status and change to another element (Earth in this demo case)?

This one you will need to read up on detailed ba zi analysis. There are couple of combinations and clashes and under what situations they will combine permanently and when they combine just for that moment when they meet. This is often beyond a basic ba zi reading. So you have to do your own research on this, as I don't have time to list out all the different combination rules and situationsavailable. All the rules are already programmed into the ba zi analysis. So whatever you get on our report would already considered that.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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