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Dear Maxx Ha,

maxx ha wrote:
My kua is 3 and my house is facing west. House period is 8. According to my kua, my house should not face west. What can I do to solve this problem.

Unfortunately, your Kua determines your house suitability. So it tells you whether you will be able to benefit from staying in the house or not. So there isn't really anything you can do to make it suit you except to move to another more suitable facing house in the future.

That is why when you first hunt for a house, choosing a good direction that is both suitable to you as well as having a good feng shui luck is important.

In your case, as an East group person, a South or East facing would probably be better for two reasons. South (Prosperity) and East (Excellent) would be suitable to you. Also under the flying star South and East facing have the possibility of activating the double 8 if your house layout especially if that direction contains the frontage/living room area.

However, after you bought the place, it won't be possible to fix the suitability problem. You can only attempt to enhance other area such as the flying star of the house etc to offset the unsuitability problem.

maxx ha wrote:
I am confuse about the kua wealth direction(South) and flying star wealth direction(east). Which direction I should follow?

Generally, Eight House tells you your suitability to the house. If a house suits you, that means that you will be able to enjoy most luck from the house.

However, Flying Star tells you how is the luck of the house itself. This means that your luck may be significantly enhanced if you have a house that has excellent feng shui.

So both are equally important. You just need to know how to balance between the two concepts.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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Dear Maxx Ha,

maxx ha wrote:
Thanx for your explaination. Some website mention by putting some mascot such as FU dogs can block the negative/bad energy from the west. Is it true?

Such FU dogsare intended to guard the house against sha qi from an extenal source. So yes, they do help block against such sha qi. Such as corners from another building opposite your home.

However, your issue is the house does not suit you. So having this FU dogs won't help improve the suitability. There is nothing you can do to correct a house that is not suitable except to change to a house that has a facing that suits you. That is why I said that the long term solution is to move to a more suitable house in the future.

You can only minimise the impact by fixing other leaks that you can correct, but the house won't suit you so you it is like you can only obtain say about 25%-50% depending on whether the facing direction is Death/Disaster (worst) or Spook/Irritation (least impact).

maxx ha wrote:
Can I stay/face in the east area of the house to gain luck?

I believe I had answered that in my previous reply. For an East Goup person, and if you are looking for houses built 2004-2023 (Period 8), South and East are generally better. South is most preferred, as East facing you will have the Morning sun influence as well as the flying star luck is not as good as a South facing house.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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Dear Maxx,

maxx ha wrote:
The flying star for next year, facing south is evil position but my kua said is wealth. Which should I follow?

You need to always remember, your gua determines your favourable directions. There will always be 4 good and 4 bad directions. However, what is good for you need not necessary means that the luck for the house in that direction will be good for you.

The flying star basically tells you how is the luck of the house for that particular year / month etc. So what it means is that next year the luck of your house will change in that sector slightly. So you still need to fix it. Once you correct the sector, then the it will continue to remain your favourable direction for use.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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