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[Please take note: This message should be posted to the Free Advise Conference and not this conference]
My daughter and I live in a rented house that is shaped like an upside-down "T", so that the Northeast and Southeast corners are outside. The owners installed a large hot-tub in the Northeast sector, which they did not maintain. We have cleaned, re-finished and attempted to keep it running. We have also put a metal post with baskets of flowers, a wind chime, a money-ball hanging from it and a happy sitting buddha at the base of it. There are many bad Feng Shui aspects to this house and it has a history of unhappy tenants. We want to move, but we cant hang on to money! Plenty comes in but it "leaks away" just as quickly! We fill the hot-tub, but it leaks! No one seems to be able to repair it and the owner does not want it removed! What can we do to help us become more financially stable so that we can move to a better location?

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Dear Ann,
Sorry for the late reply.
For the large hot-tub, it is adviseable not to keep water in it.
This is becase at the North-East sector, it is septical to yin influences i.e. avoid creating a more Yin environment. (This is the devil's gate) and too yin an environment here will increase negative Qi energy.
As I do not have more details to go on, you should also avoid having a metal wind chime at this NE sector. All these add to increase the Yin environment.
For the toilet, if you can, avoid using it at this location. Too much water, again creates too Yin an environment.
For the location, try to keep it bright i.e. more Yang.
Warmest Regards,

On 10/7/99 11:51:21 PM, Anonymous wrote:
[Please take note: This
message should be posted to
the Free Advise Conference and
not this conference]
My daughter and I live in a
rented house that is shaped
like an upside-down "T", so
that the Northeast and
Southeast corners are outside.
The owners installed a large
hot-tub in the Northeast
sector, which they did not
maintain. We have cleaned,
re-finished and attempted to
keep it running. We have also
put a metal post with baskets
of flowers, a wind chime, a
money-ball hanging from it and
a happy sitting buddha at the
base of it. There are many
bad Feng Shui aspects to this
house and it has a history of
unhappy tenants. We want to
move, but we cant hang on to
money! Plenty comes in but it
"leaks away" just as quickly!
We fill the hot-tub, but it
leaks! No one seems to be
able to repair it and the
owner does not want it
removed! What can we do to
help us become more
financially stable so that we
can move to a better location?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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