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Hi there,
In Flying Star theory, taking the correct direction of the house is very important. Besides, we must also know when the mountain and water star should flow in a positive or negative direction. There is also something we need to watch out is the "jian pan" or "jian xian". This refer that there is a deviation of direction taken using the chinese "luo pan" or compass and we will then need to follow some procedure as specified in the "flying star" theory. Does your "flying star" software cater for such differences?
Thanks! :>
Chris Ng

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Dear Chris,
What you mentioned is similar to what I had mentioned in the past in this forum with regards to the two methods of calculating the Flying Star Chart.

The first method is called the Compass and the other the Formula method.
In most instances, we normally will not need to use the Formula method. This is because when you one takes the compass outside to measure, without any influence of any other magnetic fields, the compass can still accurately take into account the deviation; and the compass reading outside the house should be used.
The differences will be found in the Flying Star Course which we are still busy fine tuning due to the complexity of the theory itself.
Under the Geomancy-Online (Reports)I had already programmed the Formula method into a Flying Star Report. However, this version is not shown to the public so as not to complicate the users.

As so long as the compass direction can be determined properly outside of the house, one do not need to use the Formula method.
But when there is a significant deviation, we will use the Formula method. Currently based on our experience, rarely if ever we use this method. Though, having tested out several times, when a proper angle can be taken outside of the house, often the charts are identical/similar.
Thus, just like the Pillars of Destiny, though I can always put in the Xia template, which I did not so as not to complicate the matters. Similarly, this has been done here so that it does not complicate the matters, where if the direction of the main door has been properly analysed, there shouldn't be a need for the Formula method.
I am glad that you brought this up as currently even many Feng Shui practioners today do not even know of the Formula method.
Feng Shui is pretty complicated as it is there are many different ways and technique, but remember that knowing when to use what and how much to take from one theory along with another is equally important.
Thus, the various reports found on this site has been catered to do so without the complexity. Remember that Flying Star (Xuan Kong Fei Xing) is only ONE of the many theories available.
To ensure accuracy, you need a few reports together to be effective. And when done properly, all the reports will give similar results be it Eight House, Flying Star etc.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

On 10/8/99 5:47:31 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi there,
In Flying Star theory, taking
the correct direction of the
house is very important.
Besides, we must also know
when the mountain and water
star should flow in a positive
or negative direction. There
is also something we need to
watch out is the "jian pan" or
"jian xian". This refer that
there is a deviation of
direction taken using the
chinese "luo pan" or compass
and we will then need to
follow some procedure as
specified in the "flying star"
theory. Does your "flying
star" software cater for such
Thanks! :>
Chris Ng
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