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I am an east person (gua number 9) and can place my bed either in the east/southeast corner (head towards south) or the northwest corner (head towards east) of my apartment. Since the east and southeast directions are good for me, I guess that would be a better place.

However, that means my bed and feetarefacing the main door, and I read that these two are not good things.

So what would you suggest in this case?

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  • Staff

Dear Deoyani,

1. To the Chinese, we are very particular about feet facing the main door (or bedroom door).

This is because, we call this the "coffin position" where, some still practise bringing the coffin into the home. And when the time is up for funeral ceremony, the coffin is moved with the feet first out of themain door.

2. For other races, if the above is not practised, this is not so bad.

3. Based on Commonsense approach to Feng Shui, many of us may not like (e.g. in an apartment or landed property) if we were to open the main door, let others view our entire body since our leg is facing the door.

4. The last resort is (if no choice is to) close the bedroom door when we are sleeping...

Warmest Regards,


Deoyani S. wrote:
However, that means my bed and feetarefacing the main door, and I read that these two are not good things.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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