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I am going to move house soon, and apparently it is a very old house, the bedroom I will have to use is quite large, and it contains a sink! ConfusedI am worried about the effects the sink may have on my health and wellbeing according to feng shui, as it would seem to be ?draining? energy. What can I do, or what cure can I use to fix this problem?fficeffice" />

Also, the house is on a main road, and the bedroom is at the front of the house (ps I have no choice but to live there for the moment). What should I do to make the place more auspicious?

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  • Staff

Dear Xenia,

To be honest, with limited information available, it is difficult to comment based strictly on Feng Shui concepts/principles or issues with it.

In general, for a large bedroom, a sink is acceptable (especially nowadays, many modern homes have an attached bathroom but in addition, these larger homes with larger bathrooms have a wash or powder room type of area.

In fact, it is very common to find even single storey homes with the bedroom at the frontage area of the home.

Try to make the home as comfortable as possible for yourself and family members! Usually, for an old home, a fresh coat of paint, would be nice to refresh the home. And avoid too much clutter, also.

Warmest Regards,

Xenia S. wrote:

I am going to move house soon, and apparently it is a very old house, the bedroom I will have to use is quite large, and it contains a sink! ConfusedI am worried about the effects the sink may have on my health and wellbeing according to feng shui, as it would seem to be ?draining? energy. What can I do, or what cure can I use to fix this problem?src='http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_surprised.gif' width=15
height=15 border=0>fficesrc='http://www.geomancy.net/wbimages/smiles/icon_surprised.gif' width=15
height=15 border=0>ffice" />

Also, the house is on a main road, and the bedroom is at the front of the house (ps I have no choice but to live there for the moment). What should I do to make the place more auspicious?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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