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Dear Master Cecil,

My husband & Ipurchased and moved intoour period 6 house 3years agoand within a few monthswe both had an onslot of health and financial difficulties that we have never hadbeforeand it still continues today. We are noteven 50andstill have a way to gothis life butthislong-run is very unusual for us. I amcurrently involved in a legalmatter where I am the plaintiff andam wondering about area to enhance (formy justice)regardingthis matter.

Ourhouse is a bi-level and faces N and isa rectangle shape;the frontdoor is at ground level and middleof house facingN (at north 8 degrees)there is a split staircase when you enter here; backdoorfaces SE and is on the upper level (when you use this door you mustusestaircase to get down to the ground level or up from ground level)we use this doorregularly. I am a bit confused on the starcombinations butI think we must be cautious in S, SW and NEbecause we are period 6.

(N) We arehaving our front walkway which is made of concrete patio square blocks replaced ascurrent blocksall havelongcracks right in center of them. Imagine,cracked blocks from the street right to our front door, yikes!Master Cecil, I have suspected that thishas been where the trouble started as these have been this way since we moved in.We are very blessed thatour family will assist to changethese. Is the remedyto place a6 rod-hollow metal wind chimewhile the work is being done?

(S/SW) We alsohave an in-groundpoolthat must-must have a new pool-liner installed this year -it cannot be left another year unfortunately. Poolis in the SW and S area of the backyard.I understand any activity for this areacan beremedied with a6 rod-hollowmetal wind chimeherewhilethe work is done - is thatcorrect?

I would greatly be blessed with any suggestion you may have.

Thank youand peace to you, Jae

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