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Hi! Masters,

I've purchasedyour online Ultimate Bundle Ba Zi package last year. It is a great tool as if your life has been "programmed". I have some questions about my birth chart.

1. On the Executive Summary for Age 35-44, under Favourable to You: Water 41%; Wood 0%; Fire 0%; Earth 55%; Metal 2%.

*Staying in a suitable House Element- Your luck will further be improved if you are staying in a house facing direction which represents Fire (South).

Does this also apply with business facing direction? Why not Wood (East) facing direction as in my Best Working position in the Reference Material? My Best Working Position are 1. East 2. South.

Is Wood (East) ok also on the house or business facing direction? According to percentage above Wood is 0% also. Which is best, Fire or Wood?

*Having a suitable career- Water element career such as Marketing, Sales, Fashion, etc.

On the Reference Material under Your Career:


Water- Advertising, Arts, Communications, etc.

Fire- Marketing, Sales, Fashion, etc.

So, which one is it? Maybe you mean Fire and not Water under such as Marketing, Sales, Fashion, etc. or the other way around?

On the Reference Material: My Favourable Elements are: Water- Most Favourable; Fire- Favourable ; Wood-Favourable Wealth Element. And on the Recommended Career,it only pertains to Wood (Wealth) and Fire (Power & Authority). Why not career for Water Element (which is the most favourable)?

If I have a business based on Wood element, what is the best facing

direction for the building? Is it East (Wood), most favourable, or South (Fire), my wealth sector (Prosperity)?

And if I have a business based on Fire element, what is the best facing direction for the building? South (Fire), my wealth sector (Prosperity)or East (Wood), the most favourable element?

Please advise. Thanks!

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Dear Anon,

Anonymous wrote:
Does this also apply with business facing direction? Why not Wood (East) facing direction as in my Best Working position in the Reference Material? My Best Working Position are 1. East 2. South.

Generally, the executive summary tries to make sense of how the five element percentage changes each luck period. The goal is always to try to ensure you have exactly 20% of each of the five element to attain perfect harmony.

So depending on what is your birth element, there are a few elements that will bring you luck. That was just an example of one of the things that could bring you luck. It usually try to shows the most important element. That is all.

If say you are a weak wood, then water/wood elements and if the percentage is very lacking both elements directions will be good for you.

So if wood is also your favourable element, then that is also another posibility. Like mentioned, the proposed direction or is just to guide you a guide or example.

Given both wood and fire are both 0% then both are generally still favourable. Where in doubt, always use your original five element as a guide. As your original element denotes generally what you lack, while each 10-yearly summary only is good for that 10-year period. After which it will change again the next luck period. So you should only use it to fine tune what you lack.

Anonymous wrote:
Is Wood (East) ok also on the house or business facing direction? According to percentage above Wood is 0% also. Which is best, Fire or Wood?

Given that Water/ Fire / Wood are your favourable elements. So you should be a Strong Metal person if I am not wrong.

As a Strong Metal, you generally strong because you have either too much earth/metal. Thus either water/fire/wood would generally be good for you. How good each will depend on the five element percentage in your chart.

If without your five element percentage, as long as you add water/fire/wood all should benefit you. However, if wood percentage is greater than 20% then, probably it won't bring you too much of a benefit compared to tlement that you have very little. So whichever of the five element you have least is your favourable.

Anonymous wrote:
Is Wood (East) ok also on the house or business facing direction? According to percentage above Wood is 0% also. Which is best, Fire or Wood?

For this 10-year period, wood and fire percentage are 0% so either element is lacking for you. Thus, either one should be good. However, the one you lack most in your default ba zi percentage should still be the most important factor. As that is based on what you generally lack for your rest of your life.

Anonymous wrote:
Water- Advertising, Arts, Communications, etc.

Anonymous wrote:
Fire- Marketing, Sales, Fashion, etc.

Anonymous wrote:
So, which one is it? Maybe you mean Fire and not Water under such as Marketing, Sales, Fashion, etc. or the other way around?

Anonymous wrote:
On the Reference Material: My Favourable Elements are: Water- Most Favourable; Fire- Favourable ; Wood-Favourable Wealth Element. And on the Recommended Career,it only pertains to Wood (Wealth) and Fire (Power & Authority). Why not career for Water Element (which is the most favourable)?

The reference material one is correct. I think the example should be fire element rather than water element. Maybe you want to let me know where in the report it is showing the error and I will correct it.

Anonymous wrote:
On the Reference Material: My Favourable Elements are: Water- Most Favourable; Fire- Favourable ; Wood-Favourable Wealth Element. And on the Recommended Career,it only pertains to Wood (Wealth) and Fire (Power & Authority). Why not career for Water Element (which is the most favourable)?

It really depends on the situation and your five element percentage. The element you lack most is what is best for you. Probably why water is not showing is probably because the percentage is more than sufficient. So no point having more.

Anonymous wrote:
And if I have a business based on Fire element, what is the best facing direction for the building? South (Fire), my wealth sector (Prosperity)or East (Wood), the most favourable element?

Actually, you can have your business as whatever element it is. It will just boost your favourable element.

The direction of the place should not be based on what is your business element. But rather on the feng shui luck of the place based on the flying star chart and whether it is suitable to your eight house, followed by ba zi.

The reason is because eight house even though it is only based on your YEAR of birth, has proven time and time to be useful. From our experience, those staying in house/office that is facing their death or disaster tends to have lots of problems. So this is ultimately more important than ba zi simply because you cannot correct it.

At least for your ba zi, even if the house element isn't the most favourable, you can still enhance your ba zi from colours of the office, shapes/colours/career. So there are many areas to improve this suitability. Thus, it is a correctable problem.

That is why it is more important to choose a suitable house based on your eight house (Prosperity sector or any of the 4 good sectors), followed by the best posible flying star house/office luck so that you can get the best luck from the house.

For example, North-East/South-West for a West group person with the house/office in Period 8 is the best. While South/East facing for a East group person with the house/offfice in Period 8 is the best.

Normally, we go by the above.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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