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House someone died in + Everyone actually has a protective aura. Just don't exhaust it.

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We want to purchase a house, but had some questions. Here is some background of the house.

Family of Grandfather, kids, and grandkids have lived in the house for over 50 years. Grandfather originally bought the house and have made many improvements inside/outside of the house along with all the gardening. Grandfather died in the house 17 years ago. Do you recommend purchasing the house?

Also, my optimal direction of the house is SE, however, it is currently SW which is not good for me. Would it be bad feng shui if I were to build an enclosure to change the direction of the front door?

Your help is always appreciated and I'm very grateful.

Many regards,


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Dear Steven,



Generally, it is very common to live in a home where someone has died in the home.



Often, if death is due to naturalcauses especially old age, no worries, here.



For old homes, it is best to avoid having any of the posessions left by the person who had died e.g. his cupboard or any antique items. Sometimes, we are not sure what kind of items are left behind, if so, when we purchase such a home, try to get "vacant" posession of the home. And not keep such items.



For those who can apply or use Flying Star Feng Shui; one way is to avoid an imbalance caused by too many YIN stars in a sector.



Yin Flying star numbers are: 2, 4, 7 and 9.



For example, if a sector has MS #2 WS #7 base #9; then this sector is considered to have excessive YIN stars. And if this sector is a bedroom and if it is dark and dim then there may be a possibility of YIN spirits in some homes.



Thus look out for any combinations of 2, 4, 7 and 9. As these needs to be addressed by making that location brighter.



In my opinion, throughout history, there are now so many homes where there are many generations or outsiders purchasing such a home. And natural deaths are common in such homes. Natural deaths include:terminal illness e.g. cancer; heart attacks andother illness.



But if the death is unnatural: suicide, murder occuring in that home.



Although you are an SE facing person, the good thing is that the home is a SW facing home. SW facing homes especially those that had flown to under Period 8, have one of the best Feng Shui qi around. (Exceptthat it requires toneutralise sickness stars at the front and back of the home).



Warmest Regards,


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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"A normal person would have sufficient aura or yang qi to keep themselves safe throughout all hours of the day. Only those 2 percent who are down and out.. Fortunately, majority of us falls in the 98 percentile and not that 2 percent!" - Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.net



Myths about the Chinese 7th month

Q1. Avoid staying out late.

Reply: "In a crowded and built-up place like Singapore, there is no worry about staying out late even for a late-party."


"A normal person would have sufficient aura or yang qi to keep themselves safe throughout all hours of the day. Only those 2 percent who are down and out.. Fortunately, majority of us falls in the 98 percentile and not that 2 percent!"

Meet the unfortunate 2 percent:


Q2. Should I avoid swimming during the 7th month?

Reply: "Ghosts also have their set of rules and laws to abide. Hungry ghosts are not suppose to go pull someone's legs and let them intentionally drown!"

It is acknowledged by many that normal hungry Ghosts live in an alternate dimension and they are not suppose to interact or scare the living daylights out of ordinary folks. 


Q3. What about those leaving offerings to the ghosts during the 7th month? Are they doing good?


Reply: To these ghosts, do you think that each and everyone will rush down to the dirty floor to consume these items left for them? 

To these ghosts, the offerings are just like Singaporeans displaying National Day flags celebrating an occasion. Thus to these ghosts, it is just the same ... something likes lights-up during Chinese festivities prior to Chinese New Year at Chinatown, that's all.


Q4.  Is it true that there are more wakes/funerals during the Chinese 7th month then the rest of the year?

Statistically, death is spread evenly throughout the whole year. With the exception of certain events involving mass calamities. Otherwise, this is a myth.

During the Chinese 7th month, carry on with what you normally do in your life. Life is about compassion, love and being there and enjoying it.

Q5. Are the Lunar 7th month Ghosts really HUNGRY?

These ghosts are in another realm or dimension. And they cannot come to our physical world to consume offerings. Unless, these ghosts or spirits enter a medium's body. Only then can they taste the offerings.

Thus this is a misinterpretation or misconception: "In ancient times, it was truly not called the Chinese HUNGRY Ghost month but rather simply the Chinese Lunar Ghost Month."

Q6. Is it beneficial to burn offerings to applease the Ghosts?  Can I do away with yearly burning of paper items?


For example, even if one burns hell notes or ingots or even paper cars, iphones and houses, it is not going to be converted to money "down-under".

But if this makes the person performing this act happy or relieved; then it has served it's purpose! 

Many Buddhists & Toaists instead recommend a person to do merits or do good / kindness is a better option than burning such offerings.

Priests and nuns and monks usually refer to the act of such burnt offerings based on the concept of "ashes to ashes'.

And to them the act of burnings is instead a powerful symbolic gesture that when someone dies.. one cannot bring their wealth to the nether world. And not when we burn 10 paper ingots, these would be teleported to the dead as real ingots! This is never possible. How can chared paper turned into gold bars? etc?




Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  On 12/7/2023 at 9:52 PM, HomeSg said:

Hi Master Cecil,

Thanks for sharing the links above.

Would it affect the occupants if there was a homicide case in the development previously?

1. One hundred (100) percent way of knowing is to be physically present on-site to evaluate a specific unit.


2. Under Flying Star Feng Shui, areas more prone to Yin activities are sectors with combination of Yin Mountain and Water star numbers.

2.1. Thus a sector which as any of these combination of numbers are considered YIN sectors:   2, 4, 6, 8 

2.2. For example: 

MS#6 WS#2  
MS#4 WS#2
MS#4 WS#8
MS#2 WS#4

Where: [Mountain Star = MS] & {Water Star = WS]

2.1. This development may have units that are NE or SW facing units. There are cases where some owners placed an altar aligned NE to SW or vice-versa, the altar may become a portal. As NE is known as the devil's front door and SW as the devil's back door.

2.2. In the past, had also encountered Indian Poojas (Altars) which also was placed in a NE to SW and vice-versa. And the residents had such encounters with....

This is one of the occupation hazards of a Feng Shui Master. As a useful tool is a Chinese Luopan - which can detect such anomalies - if any i.e. whether a house is "clean" or "dirty".



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • Cecil Lee changed the title to House someone died in + Everyone actually has a protective aura. Just don't exhaust it.

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