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Hi Cecil Lee,
I'm new here. Hope you can help me with my problem. I've been trying to chart my house for about one month now, finally I have chart it with square grid chart for flying star. I have place a few cures already, but my problem begins when I use the 8 mansion chart which is a pie chart everything goes wrong, my facing direction which is S, SW and S becomes SW only. I was just wandering if there is conflict between the two? Do I have to change the position of those cures?
By the way, my house is long rectangular
shape with SW as facing and NE as sitting with both side walls.
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Dear Ren,

Since your home is rectangular shaped, a square grid chart can be used, here.

Frankly, there should not be a major issue if we use the square grid or pie chart method. What is more important for the 8 mansion is (try to forget) all the lines or square grid : and simply focus on trying to seat facing your "prosperity" or "excellent" sector.

If you are a west group person, then try to face any of the two: prosperity or excellent direction. For an east group person, and if you have not already purchased your work table, can purchase a table that faces (tilted) south.

Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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