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Hi, I have recently consulted a fengshui master for a couple of things.I went for 2 separate sessions. On the 1st session, I asked abt my generalcareer/relationship reading. On the 2nd reading, I asked abt my wealth. However,during these 2 sessions, the ba zi he calculated for me were different. When I asked him, he said that it was because one is for lifereading and the other is for wealth, thus there will be a difference in the ba zi number. Is this correct? Will one's ba zi changed because we are asking abt different things? Notably, my year's, month's, day's ba zi is the same except for my hour's. Pls advise. Thank you.
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Dear Anon,

In my opinion, as you had mentioned that there is a difference in hour of birth given. If the hour given is still within the same period e.g. between 11am to say 1pm; 1 to 3, 5 to 5 etc.. then there should not be any difference in the readings. For example, if you had earlier quoted that your time of birth is 1.30am and subsequently told him /her that it is now 2.30am, then your time of birth remains the same i.e. between 1 to 3am.

But if your time of birth is radically different e.g. you had earlier given as 1.30am but on the second session, it is 1.30pm, then there may be some differences in the reading given. (The differences may be slight or great depending on other components in your bazi).

Warmest Regards,


Anonymous wrote:
Hi, I have recently consulted a fengshui master for a couple of things.I went for 2 separate sessions. On the 1st session, I asked abt my generalcareer/relationship reading. On the 2nd reading, I asked abt my wealth. However,during these 2 sessions, the ba zi he calculated for me were different. When I asked him, he said that it was because one is for lifereading and the other is for wealth, thus there will be a difference in the ba zi number. Is this correct? Will one's ba zi changed because we are asking abt different things? Notably, my year's, month's, day's ba zi is the same except for my hour's. Pls advise. Thank you.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Master,

The timing I quoted for the reading is the same... between 11pm to 1am for both sessions. But when he calculated my ba zi, the hour is different. The 1st session, hecalculated it as bing zi shi but in the 2nd session he calculated as xu zhi shi. Will this affect the accuracy of the reading? Does it mean that he calculated wrongly or is it just another way of making a calculation based on the different things that I was asking him to read? ie. 1st session for career and 2nd session for wealth? Shouldnt one's ba zi be the same regardless of what we are asking since our year, month, day and time of our birth is fixed? I am confused. Kindly advise. Thanks for your time.

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  • Staff

Dear Anon,

As your personal particulars quoted to him remains unchanged, then most likely he may have made a mistake in the calculation. As once the ba zi has been properly calculated, the readings will not change.

Thus, in my opinion, he may most likely have a made a mistake somewhere. As it is certainly strange to see a reading change in two different sessions for the same person.

Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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