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Hi Cecil,

I have serious concern about the flying stars at my main door of my house next month. The door is at the south sector, mountain star 9, water star 5, period star 2,annual star 5 and next month, the monthly star 9 is there.

Should I be concerned? What can I do about it to keep the harm at bay(Move out butnot ideal? Put some auspicious items?)

Hope to hear from you.



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Dear Angelia,

Yes, I can understand your concern, here!


Angelia T. wrote:
I have serious concern about the flying stars at my main door of my house next month. The door is at the south sector, mountain star 9, water star 5, period star 2,annual star 5 and next month, the monthly star 9 is there.

As a safety precaution, this year, it is not possible to "lock-up" such bad stars at the main door area.

But, you can try to minimize or preventive measure, by:-

1. Stand immediately inside your unit, and face the main entrance door. Check for any "poison arrow" in particular; common issues include: any sharp corner of the passageway "slicing" towards your main door. Or did any neighbour place wooden poles (for hanging clothes" with the poles pointing towards your main door).

Or did you by chance place any three pots of plants with trunks directly facing the main door. (The three trunks of a plant represents three joss sticks - often -lighted upat a wake).

(This para 1 : is to check for any poison arrow applicable with or without any nasty flying star numbers.)

If there is no issue, here, fine.

2. For this year, try to avoid: BRIGHT YELLOW at the main entrance door area. BRIGHT YELLOW may be in the form of the warm light that we may sometimes place at the lobby of the main entrance. No issue with Housing Board Flats (HDB) as all corridor lights are often cool day light.

Thus, if there are any warm lights i.e. when turned on, looks yellow, then it is worthwhile as a (precaution) to change to cool day light.

As #5 #2 are bad earth = yellow, we try to avoid, bright yellow in anyway at this sector.

3. Check again to see that we do not inadvertently paint the grille gate, main door, door frame or interior wall of the living room YELLOW.

4. Under the Five Elements concept: Fire fuels Earth. Thus if possible avoid BLOOD RED or chili red colours at the main entrance are especially if we already used YELLOW at that sector. For example, we have yellow (warm lights) and Red decorations at the frontage. If so, see if totally avoid bright yellow. If so, we may still retain red decorations e.g. "Red banner" or two red lanterns.

5. For such nasty "horrid" flying star numbers especially #5 x 2, moving metal can be used to constantly destroy or neutralise it. Thus, again, it is worthwhile to seriously consider a 6 hollow rod wind chime at the main entrance area. Alternatively, if there is a nearby chiming clock around this area, would be good.

6. In addition, space clearing is also good at this area. Keep the place clean and generally bright.

7. However, must avoid any renovations or even minor works at the South sector for this lunar year.

8. Need not escalate further as in general, the above is good enough.

Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. For a landed property, the best location is the covered porch leading to the main door.

2. For apartments, if the corridor is a common corridor, then, you may consider hanging inside near the main door.


Angelia T. wrote:
About the 6 hollow metal rod chime; should I hang it at the frontage of the main door, facing the corridor or can I hang it inside the house near the main door?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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