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My house is a wood house. I am a wood element myself.

However in my four pillars, I have lots of water, in fact too much. Of course that makes me strong wood too but water becomes my unfavourable element.

So, someone told me to paint my house blue as first choice and a little green as second choice, because blue is water giving birth to wood house.

Someone else say never to have too much water effect in my home, including painting blue because I need to get rid some water in my life.

Who is right and why?

Thank you sir for your advise.

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Dear Ken,

Ken L. wrote:
However in my four pillars, I have lots of water, in fact too much. Of course that makes me strong wood too but water becomes my unfavourable element.

1. In this case, you were derived as a strong wood person as the breakdown of your chart has lots of water.

2. As are a strong wood person, then your best colours are: 1. Fire (Red, pink or purple) 2. Metal (White, silver or gold).

2.1 Your wealth colour is Metal.


Ken L. wrote:
Someone else say never to have too much water effect in my home, including painting blue because I need to get rid some water in my life.

2.2 Thus, if you are the main breadwinner of the home, based on your ba zi element, you should if possible avoid too much "water" (blue) colour. And the above makes more sense.


Ken L. wrote:
So, someone told me to paint my house blue as first choice and a little green as second choice, because blue is water giving birth to wood house.

3. In your case, I assume that your home facing direction could be facing e.g. East. If so, this is a "wood" home. Many Feng Shui practitioners, use Flying Star Feng Shui in relation to one's ba zi when considering painting the home. Thus since you are a strong wood person, this is considered when repainting the interior of the home. And not paint the house blue and a little green as such.

Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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