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Master Lee,
Thank you for your reply to my previous posts.
I am here with another question: What can I do to rectify my tiger and dragon. Mtiger side of the house is higher than the dragon side. What are the possible conseqence of such a case, and what are the remedies to correct this.
Thank you very much
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Anonymous wrote:
Master Lee, Thank you for your reply to my previous posts. I am here with another question: What can I do to rectify my tiger and dragon. Mtiger side of the house is higher than the dragon side. What are the possible conseqence of such a case, and what are the remedies to correct this. Thank you very much

As you are aware, you are asking a question based on the exterior of your home: Can you physically change or control the exterior? Yes/No?

Well, you think about it....

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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