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Dear Sir:



I just want to seek advice and clarification on matters regarding the number of steps on the staircase. I have read your replies on inquirieswritten here and have been browsing related topics about this in the internet but only your siteexplained in more detail how to identify the auspicious number of steps. I understand that there are auspicious number of steps such as 1,2,5,10,13,14,17,22, etc.



Firstly, my apologoies if I would be comparing it with the book I have whichwas written byProfessor Charlie Chaoentitled Practical Feng-Shui. I just want to seek clarification with regards to landings.



I am currently doing my own layout plan of my simple house. I got stuck, confused and kept on erasing when I have to consider the steps of my staircase. Then finalyy I found my misplaced book of Prof. Charlie Chao. In his book he mentioned the auspicious number of steps the same way you did mentioned here. However the difference betweenboth of you is that he wrote, I quote, "To observe this as to the auspicious number of steps for the staircase, RECOUNT steps where there is a landing along the staircase." Therefore as per my understanding, I made my drawing (Please see attachment).



In my readings of your replies, I found one illustration on how to count the steps. I now got confused because you included the midway landing in the total number of steps. You didn't recount therefore I now don't know that what I did is right. If I would include the midway landing then the total number of my steps will be 20 and it would no longer be auspicious. I learn that having a midway landing is good for the chi flow and it would be convenient and untiringfor my mother to walk up the stairs with a midway landing.



Can you please help me clear up my confusion? Do I have to revise my staircase to 22 steps? I can't reduce to 17 steps because the distance of my floor to ceiling is 3.5 meters and 17 steps would make the height between steps high and inconvenient. How do you define a landing to be able to recount the steps when it comes to stairs inside the house because your reply on your previous discussions focus on outside staircase wherein you can change the designs of the steps to be able to recount.



Thanks and I hope I would be able to hear from you soon.

























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In the attachedillustration, please note the following:-

1. Floor. The floor is usually the "ground" where we first start to step-onto a stair-case. (It can also be known as the next storey or level or even be a landing.)

2. Landing. This is where a staircase usually turns and the landing is between the upper and lower staircase.

3. Under the attached Example A: Shows a continous count of steps inclusive of the landing. = Total of 4 steps.

4. Under theattachment Example B:it shows the segregation of steps: from floor 1, 2 to the landing. And from the upper landing to another level = 1, 2 steps. Total = 4 steps. Here, even if we "recount" the number of steps i.e. 1, 2 and upper 1, 2 there is still considered as 4 steps.

5. The rationale is that whether the landing is long or short, the example shows that from : Floor (not counted) to step 1 to landing = 2 steps in total. And from the landing, (not counted) with 1 step and 2nd step onto the level should be counted.

6. Another possible way of counting can be based on my second attachment. insteading of counting based on "TOP View perspective"; try to count no. of "Vertical pieces" or levels as shown in my second attachment Example B: where I highlighted all "vertical" levels in PINK.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Sir:

Thank you very much for your immediate response and clarification. Your explanation and illustration is very clear and easy to understand and I appreciate it so much. I now understand clearly specially when you mentioned that regardless the landing be long of short it forms part of the total number of steps. Therefore, it is in the total number of steps we see if it is auspicious or inauspicious.

I would like to ask another question. Since we based the auspicious steps on the total number of steps, can the landing be placed at any number of the steps? Or should I follow the auspicious number of steps when ends in a landing then whenadding them up it totals to the auspicious number?

(Please see attached for illustration)With my illustration, can you please help me to understand the correct placement and usage of a landing? Which of the illustration is correct? In this way I would clearly understand on where to locate the landing whenever I would place a landing along the total number of steps or staircase. Also please clarify if both are correct and the landing's location has no effect to where it would be located as long as the total number of steps is auspicious.

Thank you very much. I hope to hear from you soon.


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1. I am glad that you understand the concept.

2. In addition, unlike "external" steps, the internal staircase (with landing) is considered as one continous "flow". And qi travelling up or down the length of our interior home staircase is considered "continous". It does not because of a landing, "stop" but still continue to flow.

3. Anyway, as you have seen there is "no difference" when i counted the no. of steps on its own or continous in my previous illustration. They all add up to = Total 4 steps.


Anonymous wrote:
Thank you very much for your immediate response and clarification. Your explanation and illustration is very clear and easy to understand and I appreciate it so much. I now understand clearly specially when you mentioned that regardless the landing be long of short it forms part of the total number of steps. Therefore, it is in the total number of steps we see if it is auspicious or inauspicious.

4. Yes, your illustration seems correct = total of 22 steps.

4.1 In one of my illustration, if you can recall, I coloured the vertical sides in pink. In your example, I also manually, "counted" in my mind the "vertical" elevation and there are indeed 22 steps.

4.2 As I mentioned under Para 2, above, in an interior home, if qi (chi) were to flow up or down staircase, they would be a "continious flow" even if there are "landings". Qi will not halt at a landing and abruptly start again.

Anonymous wrote:
(Please see attached for illustration)With my illustration, can you please help me to understand the correct placement and usage of a landing? Which of the illustration is correct? In this way I would clearly understand on where to locate the landing whenever I would place a landing along the total number of steps or staircase. Also please clarify if both are correct and the landing's location has no effect to where it would be located as long as the total number of steps is auspicious.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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1. In addition, like to share with everyone:-

1.1 As you had mentioned earlier, it is recommended that a staricase, has a turn or turns ie. with a landing.

1.2 If we look closely at the rationale, it is based more on how qi (chi) flows. Imagine if we have a straight staircase. And since the home is an enclosed space, a "weak" person or child or if our grip is not good or caught unaware, a huge "direct" gust of wind can throw a person off his/her feet when climing up or down the step. Thus, a staircase with a turn would be good as qi has to "slow" down reducing it's speed.

1.3 In additional, under commonsense, if someone really trips and fall, it may be very bad fall from upper continously towards the bottom of the staircase - if there is no landing to at least halt the "fall".

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for all the clarifications. Everything now is crystal clear to me and I hope everyone will be able to learn and benefit from my queries and your explanations.At first I was so hesistant to write to you so I read anything I can about this topic and still I felt so unsatisfied with what I read. The more I seach in the internet the more I get confused because it's vague, undetailed amd of different concept such as the odd numbers scheme and the vaastu way. I'm gladyour website is friendly and open to such detailed inqueries as mine I read all the related topics posted in your website about the staircase and you had explained them very well with illustrations. I am now clear on everything and I can layout my drawings properly. You made me very happy.

Again, thank you very much. I hope that if ever I encounter any confusions on my drawings, I hope you will be glad to answer my queries once again. I do my drawings by myself before I instruct my classmate and friend during my highschool days whonow an architect to finalize it.He is not so knowledgeableto feng shui detailsthat is why I have to draft and layout everything I like first based on my readings and myexisting furnitureshere at home beforehand.The house that I want isjust a simple practical rectangular house forour family of 5(my husband, myself, my son, my mom and my unmarried aunt) which we can simply afford to build it slowly. I wish and hope through my simple efforts I would be able to complete our home.



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  • 9 years later...

Master Lee,

My staircase is a U shape staircase with 18 steps. Do you have remedy for the inauspicious number of steps?



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3 hours ago, Guest Lynn said:

Master Lee,

My staircase is a U shape staircase with 18 steps. Do you have remedy for the inauspicious number of steps?



Frankly this forum has existed more than 20 years and yet no one else ever asks this question.

What do you think?-:)



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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