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1. In my opinion, scientifically, so long as the "disease" is not contagious - spread thru air, then frankly, there is no scientific basis other than what you had mentioned based more on a "taboo".

2. It makes more sense to say to that it would be most likely the concern that such impressions or a sudden situation e.g. someone having a heart problem or in some cases, some people "foam thru their" mouth prior to death.

3. Thus, we do not inadvertenly want to "scar" someone so young with such "a horrible" - painful situation endured by others.

4. stand by dentures all these are merely "old folk" theories, that's all.

Anonymous wrote:

I was told not to bring my young children near to old people who is critically ill due to the "qi". Can you advise what is the reason?

Also I was ask to stand by their dentures. What is the reason?

What other taboos for handling critically ill?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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