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Dear Sir:

Once again, thank you very much for all you patience and time to replyall my queries. I am very happy that you had given me time for all my queries from simple to complicated ones and I do respect and highly regard all your opinions and advices.

This time I would like to inquire regarding septic tanks. As what I learn, septic tanks are to be placed in your most inauspicious location based on an individuals Gua. For example, if your inauspicious area is in the west and you build yourseptic tank in that area, can you place a metal water tank onthe topor above the cocrete floor of the septic tank inorder to press down the bad or negative energy? If not, where is the best place to place a metalwater tank outside the house? Also for plastic water tank since there are also available nowadys in the market, where is the best place to place it outside the house?

Your reply is highly appreciated. Thanks.


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1. The best method is to evaluate using Flying Star Feng Shui to assess favourable location(s) for the sceptic tank and water tank.

2. After applying the Flying Star Feng Shui; Shapes and Forms of the property in relation to the interior / exterior layout of the building should next be considered. This includes, where the piping of the sewerage lines will enter or flow into the home - avoiding passing thru below a bedroom etc........

3. The "last" or not necessary must-have but rather, nice-to-have the sceptic tank at one's unfavourable - eight mansion's sector.

4. Where possible, drinking water tank should not be located so close to the sceptic tank in-case of contaminating it.

5. In addition, the location of sceptic tank should not interfere with the key drainage out of a home. In a professional Feng Shui assessment, even the way water flows from right to left or left to right of a home is critical for : wealth (becoming rich); wealth/ power (authroity or occupying high positions )etc....

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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