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Dear Sir:

I would like to seek clarification about flying star feng shui? You've mentioned in one of your articles that flying star feng shui for a plot of land, it is analyzed usually with a built up area. However, I suppose we can do some planning in advance, am I right?

Let say if one have a lot and plans to build a house.Would itright and better to design the house-to-be-built by incorporating the flying star feng shui for the period 8?

Let say, I plan to build a house this year which belongs to the period 8 house facing South 3 andbelong toeast groupperson and facing south is an east group house.. As I could see in the flying star feng shui chart for period 8 for South facing house, (please see attached file for the chart)the sectors whichsupposed to be the auspicious sectorfor East housesuch as E, SE, Nare inauspicious due to the presence of the inauspicious stars. The Westsector and SW which is an inauspicious sector became auspicious. (I hope my understanding is right.)Does this mean that the meaning and presence of the flyingsupercede orgives more weight than the classification of the auspicious and inauspicious sector ofEast and West houses? For example,for an east house group west is an inauspicious sector and buildingcommonly you build a toilet in your inauspicious sector. However in the period of 8, west became auspicious due to the presence of 6 and 1 flying star. Does this mean you have to place your bedroom in this sector instead of the toilet?

I amconfused on which meaning gives more importance because I initially understand through my reading of books that there are auspicious and inauspicious sectors of the house based the house gua and interrelate it toa person's gua. Thenafter learning these I came across the flying star feng shui. I became cautious on its presentation for this flying star numbers (mountain star and water star)have precise meanings andoccupies the sector aside from the base number which have the same auspicious and inauspicious meanings. Can you please help me understand which gives more weight.In this way, lot owners can at least able to design their house to where they want to locate their bedrooms instead of placing symbols or metal cures to deal with the problem stars.

Thank you very much. I really learn a lot from you. Through your simple explanation, you inspire me to readagain and again the books I have. More Power to you always.



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1. Recently, I was tasked to do a town planning (severalthousand ha) for a third-world country. For such a large size, Shapes and Form Feng Shui is the first consideration.

2. It is not true that Flying Star applies only to "after" built up. Locally, many Singaporeans, get us to either do a major Additions and alternation works (A & A). And Flying Star is used widely especially to determine: where qi comes into the home or tap good qi; "lock up" bad qi etc....

3. In past forum messages, Flying Star chart is like a pie, it can it be a small one or extended out towards the properties marker line or zone.

4. For a plot of land, even if we use Flying star, Shapes and Forms must still be considered at every stage. For example: is it feasible to have the main door changed?

5. Both 8 Mansions (Eight House) and Flying Star belongs to the same Compass School Feng Shui. And the basic understanding is that Flying Star takes into account time dimension. While 8 Mansions does not consider time dimension.

6. Thus, applying Flying Star appropriately can being significant benefit or downfall. Thus, should be classified as " MUST-HAVE" or "MUST-TRY-TO-USE".

7. On the other hand; 8 mansions is considered as "NICE-TO-HAVE". Even under 8 mansions, the priority is: "If possible, bedroom could be in one's good sector". And nice-to-have we sleep with our head facing a good sector.

8. Thus it is true that mountain and water star numbers react under a 81 combination system. And in many situations, even if a person is an East group, but even if the home is a say NE or SW under the current Period 8, such homes may compound and bring better luck than say a home that is North facing to an East group person. As North homes does not have as good Flying Star qi under Period 7 nor 8.

9. When modelling a home, there is no such thing as a perfect home, but rather "as Feng Shui friendly as" possible. Is a better statement.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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