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1. In the past, I had mentioned that we should adopt a holistic "examination" approach to"luck" and Feng Shui.

2. As you are aware, it is nearly impossible to re-locate the toilet. If so, we should instead try to "maximize" luck or neutralise futher issues (poison arrows) from other areas.

3. For example, if we are asked to answer say 4 questions out of ten within 2 hours time period. Thus, a good teacher will always remind the student to try to answer all four questions and set a limit of hour-an-hour per question.

4. Same, here, even if you want to crack your head over the wall for the toilet at the centrepoint issue, one is wasting one's time.

5. Some "minor" cures include: closing the toilet door when not in use and some place a mirror outside of the toilet door. In my opinion, especially the "mirror" thing is not exactly a good cure.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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