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Sorry I forgot to mention a few things in my previous post about a house near a T section. This is the updated post:
We are considering buying a house. Problem is, it is nearly opposite a T section. We heard that if the road seems to go straight into the house then it's not good, but in this case it seems to go to the side walk and part of the garage. Is it also considered bad? And is there anything we can do about it?
Also there is a big tree right opposite the main door. We heard that it is bad, but is there anything we can do? We are not allowed to cut down the tree by the way.
Update: there is a utility (electrical) pole at one corner of the house in front of the garage, and a pool that takes almost the whole back yard. How good/bad/neutral are these?

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1. Big Tree - right opposite the main door

Stand inside the door and look directly out of it. If the tree is not directly facing any part of the door (within the doorframe) then no issue.

Else as mentioned in my earlier posting; can apply the "triangle-effect" i.e. do a search under this forum for it or the other options that I had mentioned.

2. Utility pole

From your rough sketch - don't seem to be a threat to the home.

3. Pool

Would need to have a proper assessment done based especially on Flying Star Feng Shui.


Anonymous wrote:
Sorry I forgot to mention a few things in my previous post about a house near a T section. This is the updated post:

We are considering buying a house. Problem is, it is nearly opposite a T section. We heard that if the road seems to go straight into the house then it's not good, but in this case it seems to go to the side walk and part of the garage. Is it also considered bad? And is there anything we can do about it?

Also there is a big tree right opposite the main door. We heard that it is bad, but is there anything we can do? We are not allowed to cut down the tree by the way.

Update: there is a utility (electrical) pole at one corner of the house in front of the garage, and a pool that takes almost the whole back yard. How good/bad/neutral are these?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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