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I'm choosing a new HDB flat soon and there is a flat which i like in which the front door face the NE and the main living room window face the SW.

I'm a east group person in which these directions are not good for me as SW is a spook direction for me and NE is a death direction for me.

Do you think it is advisable to choose this flat?

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1. Frankly, the information provided is quite superficial.

2. If we are trying to apply the Ba Cai or Eight House concept, try to extend it further:

2.1 Try to draw or sketch a template of all family member's Eight House description and superimpose this to the layout plan:-

2.2 For the male and female breadwinner, check the influence in such areas as the master bedroom e.g. it is a good sector or extremely bad sector i.e. master bedroom is say your "death" sector... where are the toilets

2.3 Within the home, common but "fatal" concerns such as hopefully the kitchen or stove or sink is not directly located at the NW sector (Fire at heaven's gate)

2.4 Are there missing corners in the layout plan .. as missing corner(s) at specific areas have their significance.

3. There are more than the above to consider.

4. On the exterior, try to check or imagine whether is the house /apartment affected especially by the "dreaded" afternoon sun .. such as.. which room(s) are affected. (Morning sun can also be considered but this is not as - bad as the afternoon sun).

5. In general, for an East group person, and especially taking into consideration all and many more other factors; may consider a NE or SW home; since (in general - again) such homes are suppose to have some of the best qi under Period 8.

Anonymous wrote:
I'm a east group person in which these directions are not good for me as SW is a spook direction for me and

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi, Thanks for your detailed reply.

Just a quick check, for facing direction of a HDB flat, which is more crucial, the direction of the main living room window and door or the location of the Kitchen, Master bedroom, etc...?

The reason i'm asking is that i'm choosing a flat soon and i'm not too sure which aspect is more critical as it will influence the decision to choose the flat.

Also, to verify the direction of the place (for ex. kitchen or master bedroom) in the flat, we should take reference from the center of the flat using a compass right?

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1. Bigger picture where qi is suppose to come-into the home: Then under Flyng Star Feng Shui, one should determine where is the most "yang" qi that enters into the home.

1.1 Here, it may either be the main door i.e. standing inside the main door taking a reading out or usually it is the row of windows often with the most rooms where often again, the living room windows are.

2. For the interior layout plan, one should if possible look at some of these considerations:

2.1. Try to avoid kitchen especially the stove at North-West compass direction. Here, it is the centrepoint of the home, taking a reading towards NW direction.

2.2. Eight Mansions / Eight House to find homes with suitable facing directions /master bedroom sectoretc...

2.3. Try to avoid missing corner(s) especially at NW (affect career of Head of the House / Heaven Luck - and also affect husband's mood and less likely for flower of romance out of marriage) or SW (indirect water wealth spirit)

3. The best homes if happen that the balcony is at SW. A water feature, here, can bring fantastic results ($$$$)

4. Some homes have "bad" layout such as opening main door can see thru into the kitchen (without doors) etc...


Just a quick check, for facing direction of a HDB flat, which is more crucial, the direction of the main living room window and door or the location of the Kitchen, Master bedroom, etc...?

The reason i'm asking is that i'm choosing a flat soon and i'm not too sure which aspect is more critical as it will influence the decision to choose the flat.

Also, to verify the direction of the place (for ex. kitchen or master bedroom) in the flat, we should take reference from the center of the flat using a compass right?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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