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My kitchen is very small and has all the wrong elements and I need to know how to fix them. The kitchen is in the shape of a rectangle, the door is NW, a wall is on the SE (a picture of the ocean on the wall with a door to the right facing the wall and a short hall to dining area to the left), the West is the sink and on the East is the Stove and refrigerator - both in a corner. I have pictures of frogs in wood frames (4 of them) above the sink and other wood objects on the wall on the right and left of the kitchen door.
What feng shui remedy can I use for this area? Feng Shui Beginner
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1. Usually it is difficult to provide an exact comment based simply on several lines of text.

2. You mentioned that the door is NW. Do a search under this forum and you can find discussions or concerns of a kitchen located within NW.

3. Usually a picture of the ocean on the wall is not good for Feng Shui of the kitchen unless: the kitchen is located in the South compass direction of a home. In general it is worse off if the picture is located in the North compass direction of a home. If in doubt, remove it, first.

4. Frankly, it is never good to do just piecemeal or "fast food" feng shui as many other considerations such as drawing up a Flying Star chart; knowing your stove's facing and sitting position are critical key success factors.

5. If you are going to DIY, then do find out more. For example, since your current specific topic is on the kitchen, try to do a SEARCH e.g. in this forum for the word "kitchen". And try to browse thru all the real-life real-people questions and replies on this topic.


Colleen K. wrote:
My kitchen is very small and has all the wrong elements and I need to know how to fix them. The kitchen is in the shape of a rectangle, the door is NW, a wall is on the SE (a picture of the ocean on the wall with a door to the right facing the wall and a short hall to dining area to the left), the West is the sink and on the East is the Stove and refrigerator - both in a corner. I have pictures of frogs in wood frames (4 of them) above the sink and other wood objects on the wall on the right and left of the kitchen door. What feng shui remedy can I use for this area? Feng Shui Beginner

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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