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Dear Master Lee,

Recently i've been studying FS and kind of confused by some of the theories inside. Hope that u can enlighten me. Please forgive my ignorance. Trying to master the basics. Thank for your attention.

  1. Understand that different combination of stars coexist in any of the 9 palaces will have different effects, either good or bad. Is there any neutral effect?Have been reading some FS table stating what FS combination will have what implications on the homeowners and the combination is often quoted in the fomat of e.g. 1-2 or 1.2. May i know what do the 1st no. and 2nd no. indicate? understand we can study the combination of water&mountain stars, waterstars&time stars, mountain stars & time stars, etc. Does the sequence of the combination matters i.e. themountain star - water star vs water star - mountain star?

  2. Understand each trigram will have an effect on certain ppl in the family e.g. "kan" on the middle son. and since star 5 does not have trigram, does this mean it will affect everyone in the family?

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1. Please refer to your para 1. Taking up a proper Flying Star course with any specific master will often give you the breakdown of such things as the 81 combinations which you had described under "often quoted in the fomat of e.g. 1-2 or 1.2. " And you will certainly learn more.

2. Please refer to your para 2. Yes, if you have the time to read e.g. the forum messages you will find examples like : NW = Head of the house (male breadwinner) and such things like "fire at heaven gate" etc.... If you have studied some of the reasources; even in every season, earth is abundance and earth occurs in every season except that they occur at every "low" of each season or when the season is about to change to another season. By the way, earth occupies the centre palace.


Recently i've been studying FS and kind of confused by some of the theories inside. Hope that u can enlighten me. Please forgive my ignorance. Trying to master the basics. Thank for your attention.

  1. Understand that different combination of stars coexist in any of the 9 palaces will have different effects, either good or bad. Is there any neutral effect?Have been reading some FS table stating what FS combination will have what implications on the homeowners and the combination is often quoted in the fomat of e.g. 1-2 or 1.2. May i know what do the 1st no. and 2nd no. indicate? understand we can study the combination of water&mountain stars, waterstars&time stars, mountain stars & time stars, etc. Does the sequence of the combination matters i.e. themountain star - water star vs water star - mountain star?

  2. Understand each trigram will have an effect on certain ppl in the family e.g. "kan" on the middle son. and since star 5 does not have trigram, does this mean it will affect everyone in the family?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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