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1. I assume that your home must be either a SW2 or SW3 Flying Star Period 8.

2. The most effective "pearl string" is to have a "mountain" feature at the frontage of the home. For example, it would be "excellent" if you have a neighbour's home that is at least 2 storey's high facing your home.

3. Or have a man-made landscaping at a corner garden (frontage) of your home.

The most effective is if there is a small hill facing your home or Para 2 in order to make the "pearl string" work effectively.


I extended my house which faces SW in period8 to get the pearl of
strings . My question is how to activate the stars. And is the
actvation to be inside or outside.
Many thanks,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear cecill ,
Thanks for the feed back on pearl of strings. I have had a water
feature on for six months, and everything is turning negative.
I have no building in the front but I can make a small land scape in
the left side . Does it have to have rocks or high pillars in front.
Best wishes
Sent from my iPhone
On 21 Jul 2008, at 17:26, "feedback Listmanager"

From: Cecil Lee
1. I assume that your home must be either a SW2 or SW3 Flying Star
Period 8.
2. The most effective "pearl string" is to have a "mountain" feature
at the frontage of the home. For example, it would be "excellent" if
you have a neighbour's home that is at least 2 storey's high facing
your home.
3. Or have a man-made landscaping at a corner garden (frontage) of
your home.
The most effective is if there is a small hill facing your home or
Para 2 in order to make the "pearl string" work effectively.
I extended my house which faces SW in period8 to get the pearl of
strings . My question is how to activate the stars. And is the
actvation to be inside or outside.
Many thanks,
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1. Try to see if you can stop using (having) the water feature.

2. Having a high wall or pillars at your own home is a double edged sword:

2.1 Usually within your own home, you should have some clear space to create a "bright hall" effect or allow qi to congregate at the frontage area of your home.

2.2 Thus having a high wall defeats a bright hall effect.

2.3 Try to stop the water feature, first. As I mentioned earlier, to activate a pearl string is the hope that something as tall as two storey's high is directly opposite your home.This is the most effective, no intrusive method.

3. A rock feature landscape can take over the water feature.


Madan Lal S. wrote:
Dear cecill ,
Thanks for the feed back on pearl of strings. I have had a water
feature on for six months, and everything is turning negative.
I have no building in the front but I can make a small land scape in
the left side . Does it have to have rocks or high pillars in front.
Best wishes

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Cecil
I do have a large bright entrancehall
Inthe SW2 facing. Chi energy us free to enter and accumulate. The
private drive way is in the front. The drainage and rain water runs in
the front from right to left that is flowing from Nw to SE. There are
two large trees 5 Meters away in front . Ihave created a rock
landscape to the left of the entrance and removed the water feature.
Is this ok?
I am very thankful for your feedback.master Lo taught me the flying
stars but there was not much input on pearl ofvstrings.
God bless,
Sent from my iPhone
On 24 Jul 2008, at 00:09, "feedback Listmanager"

From: Cecil Lee
1. Try to see if you can stop using (having) the water feature.
2. Having a high wall or pillars at your own home is a double edged
2.1 Usually within your own home, you should have some clear spa
to create a "bright hall" effect or allow qi to congregate at the
frontage area of your home.
2.2 Thus having a high wall defeats a bright hall effect.
2.3 Try to stop the water feature, first. As I mentioned earlier, to
activate a pearl string is the hope that something as tall as two
storey's high is directly opposite your home.This is the most
effective, no intrusive method.
3. A rock feature landscape can take over the water feature.
Madan Lal S. wrote:
Dear cecill ,
Thanks for the feed back on pearl of strings. I have had a water
feature on for six months, and everything is turning negative.
I have no building in the front but I can make a small land scape in
the left side . Does it have to have rocks or high pillars in front.
Best wishes
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Thank you in advance!
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