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Hi Mr.Lee
I am new to feng shui,but would like to learn more if you could help me with a few issues i would appreciate it. here are my situations.
I live in U.S,about 4 years ago we moved into a house,there is a huge tree at least 2 times larger than my house in front of the house, not in the straight line of the front door,but in the straight line of the main window right beside the door.Also the roots are above ground pointing to the house Since we moved in the house,we have had a lot of problems. Two months after we moved in,I got into a car accident and 3 yrs later my husband did also.Me and my husband both have a full time job,plus he owns a carpet cleaning business on the side,but we always have unexpected events that cause our financial problems. We never had such bad financial problems before we moved in,even when we were making less money.My husband has health problems on and off, I have heard that tree in front the house is not good,should we remove the tree or can we trim it to were the leaves are above the house.
Another issue,our front door faces directly to neighborer's garage door. Is this bad?
I will upload some pics,any help and advises will be appreciated,thanks a lot.

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1. Sorry to hear about your problems.

2. Have taken a look at the three photos. Two of the photos, relating to the views taken of the tree and your main entrance = from a Shapes and Forms Feng Shui point of view - seems OK.

3. The huge tree trunk seems to be slicing thru the large windows. Most likely this is your living room? Thus based on external Shapes and Forms, it is good that you should try to disarm or neutralise this threat from the tree.

4. As the tree trunk seems to pose a "threat" to the home, please see attachment:-

Marking A - most effective if you can place a convex mirror as shown in the diagram

Marking B - if the convex mirror has been placed; ignore this: Hang a 6 hollow rod wind chime

Marking C - install day curtain and draw it over the window.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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