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Hi master cecil,

Recently I have bought a new resale 5 room flat in Northern singapore to get ready for my chinese customary weddingnext year.

Right now, everything in the house is still in quite good condition.

There's an L- shape custom make wardrobe and dressing tablein thismasterbed room.Butmyparents insist that I shouldget everything new for the wedding ( have to be new for new fortune for new wed people)next year and also previous owner may have left some "bad qi" behind when they leave.Which means I have to let go the still good condition wardrobe anddressing table which is used by the previous owner for 8 years.

So is it advisable to remove everythingespecially in the masterbedroom and refurnished with new onesince masterbed room is one of the main factor in contributing good feng shui to thehouse ?


Ms Wong

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1. In my opinion, it is very common especially for new couples to "conserve" their money and try not to overspent or worse, become so indebted even before carrying on a "new life". In fact, quite alot of couples I know previously, have kept some of the "unmoveable" fixtures such as what you had mentioned especially built in wardrope.

2. As mentioned above, money does not fall out of the sky! And often without money or savings or if we do have monetary problems between couples.. it is one of the leading cause of "separation" etc..

3. Especially for the entire home, one of the best key successfactors is to definitely re-paint the entire home.

4. Prior to taking over the home perform the "First-time-open door procedure". And you may consider sprinkling salt into the bedroom toilets and for the floors, just becareful of salt touching water onto parquet wood tiles. If you do sprinkle salt, don't use any water, first. Sweep away the salt etc.., first.

5. If you intend to keep the cabinet, buy a few packets of mouth balls and throw them into the cupboards. Frankly this is sufficient, recourse.

6. The main thing, is that some of the older built in cabinet(s) are acceptable to be kept, so long as one uses brand new beds, bed-head, and entire new bed - bed structure....

7. Alternatively, as a compromise, you may check with the contractor how much to "re-varnish" or even re-laminate the doors. Thus, keep the cabinet framework and re-laminate or change the doors to the cabinet is another practical consideration.


Hi master cecil,

Recently I have bought a new resale 5 room flat in Northern singapore to get ready for my chinese customary weddingnext year.

Right now, everything in the house is still in quite good condition.

There's an L- shape custom make wardrobe and dressing tablein thismasterbed room.Butmyparents insist that I shouldget everything new for the wedding ( have to be new for new fortune for new wed people)next year and also previous owner may have left some "bad qi" behind when they leave.Which means I have to let go the still good condition wardrobe anddressing table which is used by the previous owner for 8 years.

So is it advisable to remove everythingespecially in the masterbedroom and refurnished with new onesince masterbed room is one of the main factor in contributing good feng shui to thehouse ?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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