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My husband snores terribly and we both toss and turn a lot in our sleep, hencewe have not been sleeping on the same bed for the past 3 years. We still sleep in the same bedroom (master bedroom), but we sleep on separate beds - each of us has our own double bed!

I recently heard from a ladythat its not good luckfor married couples to sleep on separate beds! But I alsoknow of other married couples whosleep on separate bedsbecause of snoring, etc. so I don't think me and my husband are alone here. It doesn't bother us that we sleep on different beds -in fact weget a betternight's sleep from it (I know I do, especially!)-but is it really a problem and will it lead to something bad in our marriage if we continue to sleep this way??

I'm asking this now because my husband's considering throwing his mattress and buying a new one because its hurting his back, and we are contemplating whether to just buy him a new mattress, or throw both our beds and buy a super king size bed (which is the biggest bed we can buy)?

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  • Staff

1. It is more important to consider "human-man luck" factors, first. Thus, it makes more sense to sleep separately, it is still acceptable for each of you to own your double bed.

2. Don't care what others think about. Frankly, last Saturday, a client requested for a separate bedroom for her husband. Who like yours snores.... She sleeps in the master bedroom while he (husband) has been allocated another bedroom. Very common situation!

3. When we are married to a person, it does not mean that we need to "velcro" ourselves to our partner.

Rachel R. wrote:

My husband snores terribly and we both toss and turn a lot in our sleep, hencewe have not been sleeping on the same bed for the past 3 years. We still sleep in the same bedroom (master bedroom), but we sleep on separate beds - each of us has our own double bed!

I recently heard from a ladythat its not good luckfor married couples to sleep on separate beds! But I alsoknow of other married couples whosleep on separate bedsbecause of snoring, etc. so I don't think me and my husband are alone here. It doesn't bother us that we sleep on different beds -in fact weget a betternight's sleep from it (I know I do, especially!)-but is it really a problem and will it lead to something bad in our marriage if we continue to sleep this way??

I'm asking this now because my husband's considering throwing his mattress and buying a new one because its hurting his back, and we are contemplating whether to just buy him a new mattress, or throw both our beds and buy a super king size bed (which is the biggest bed we can buy)?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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